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Vận dụng phương pháp Reggio Emilia hiệu quả – Hướng dẫn chi tiết ba mẹ

Vận dụng phương pháp Reggio Emilia hiệu quả - Hướng dẫn chi tiết ba mẹ

In addition to traditional, Japanese and American methods, applying the Reggio Emilia method in Vietnam is being more popular. So how to apply this method in reality?

Why apply the reggio emilia method for children?

Before learning more carefully when applying the Reggio Emilia method in reality when educating children in Vietnam, parents should know why should apply this method to teach children.

Here are some great benefits when the document about the Reggio Emilia method:

Practice self -creation and problem solving

One of the benefits of applying the Reggio Emilia method is the brain development for babies. With this method, children will learn and explore with a free space. Since then, learning automatically becomes proactive, children interact with anything that they feel interested.

Therefore, the child who applied the Reggio Emilia method has good imagination, rich creativity and no need to imitate anyone. Based on their own cognitive ability, children learn the way they like. Parents or teachers are just instructors, cheer and accompany. This way of learning helps both children's brain hemisphere to develop more comprehensively.

Teachers provide necessary raw materials and guide children to practice

After applying the Reggio Emilia method, the child's mobilization is significantly improved. The baby's hand becomes more and more flexible because it is more practiced. In the classroom when applying the Reggio Emilia method, the teacher is just a supplier of raw materials and instructions, observing the children practicing rather than the person who directly takes those steps.

All babies have a topic but with the same material, they will have different products. Each baby will practice and create their own way. The imagination and creative ability are significantly improved after doing practical exercises in class. At home, parents should also let their children play creative games to stimulate the hemisphere to develop evenly. Teachers provide necessary raw materials and guide children to practice. (Photo: Internet collection)

And yet, through this, children also have better logical thinking, the ability to observe and independently. Since then, children are interested in learning as well as less dependent on older people. Self -independent skills are gradually formed to help parents feel more secure when their children are outside the arms or at school.

Integrated with the surrounding environment better

What every child wants to go to school is to be immersed in their environment. There are games, there are people of the same age, teachers, environment for them to study. If parents use the Reggio Emilia method from an early age, the child to school will be extremely confident, going to school always brings joy to the baby.

Different from the closed and restrictive way of learning, the teacher said that the ideal learning environment for modern children is for children to be creative in their own way. Each day of school is exposed to nature, games, and movement from which to learn knowledge in the love. Children will never be afraid of learning if teachers use the Reggio Emilia method in teaching. Because playing is learning that learning is also playing.

Help children communicate in many languages

Language is not only understood as a voice, a communication tool but also understood as the feelings of each person. Children learn Vietnamese and English also learn voice through artistic activities such as singing, listening to music, painting, sculpture …

If your baby is applied the Reggio Emilia method in reality, the emotional sensory system is very sensitive. Babies feel emotions and care about others. It is a great success when enriching the baby's soul. I will grow up with a beautiful soul who loves others. Help children communicate in many languages. (Photo: Internet collection)

Teachers and parents are children's close partners

Experts claim that when applying the Reggio Emilia method, they always try to let parents understand that teachers and parents need to be children's close partners to help children learn from the world a lot. Therefore, if parents want to let their children apply this method, they should take time to care, talk and confide with their children. This is the golden key to help your baby grow in love and scientific education.

Develop their ability to cooperate and work in groups.

One of the benefits of applying this method to bring children is to develop in groups of teamwork and cooperation with others. This is one of the important soft skills that not all educational methods bring to children.

If children have the ability to cooperate, they will be more sociable, more friendly, know how to work with the team, know leaders, present, and take responsibility before the collective. All of these, adults we have to study by themselves, not be educated from 0 to 6 years old. Therefore, if parents know how to apply this method, children will have a comprehensive soft skills and superior to their peers.

Help children love and protect the surrounding nature

The ultimate reason parents need to learn about applying the Reggio Emilia method in fact is to help children love and protect nature. This is something that many parents ignore. Because nature is very important. If children have a sense of environmental protection, they will create a good long -term habit.

This is very beneficial for your child's habitat. In order to apply the Reggio Emilia method, parents should give them more exposed to Thien, giving their babies closer to plants and sunshine often so that children have the opportunity to mingle with nature. From there, I will learn how to adapt, stimulate creativity and explore the world in your own way.

Help children love and protect the surrounding nature. (Photo: Internet collection)

How to apply Reggio Emilia method?

After understanding the value and meaning when applying the Reggio Emilia method, parents need to know the practical application method for their children. Here are some common methods that parents can apply as soon as possible.

Create a list of toys that children like to play

The first method that parents should apply when implementing this method for children is to create a list of toys that children like to play. Children are very fast if they play a continuous game for a long time. Creativity and imagination when playing are also reduced. Therefore, parents should create a list of toys that they like to arrange accordingly is essential.

Parents should arrange in order so that every day their children have toys without feeling bored. Every time the child plays interesting as the first time will stimulate the brain to develop better as well as suggest the potential with the potential within his person. It is best for parents to perform the time for their children to play on schedule to form a good habit for children.

Write down the content of how children play in free time

Instructions on how to play is the core value if parents want to apply the Reggio Emilia at home. Because parents and the community need to connect with each other. How children go to school, parents should also create conditions for their children to have such a unified play and study environment.

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Specifically, parents need to write down the content children play in their free time. For example, what is the clay, what color, what color, how many minutes … to guide and accompany your child during the fun.

Write down the content of how children play in free time. (Photo: Internet collection)

Some activities apply the simple Reggio Emilia method at home

If parents want to apply Reggio Emilia at home, it is certainly not possible to ignore some basic and simple activities that stimulate the 5 comprehensive developments below.

Activities stimulating 5 senses of children

5 senses will be developed evenly if parents apply some stimulating activities every day as follows:

  • Smells: Promote the effects of smell by using more odors in the house. It is lemongrass essential oil, cinnamon creates a soft, pleasant aroma in the young space and sleeping. This is a simple way for children to stimulate the smell.

  • Hearing: Music is rated as the best intellectual and emotional development tool when you want to apply the Reggio Emilia method at home. Therefore, parents should let children listen to many types of music with playful, classic, sedimentary melody to sleep better, sleep deeper.

  • Taste: Should choose food with delicious taste, lush for children's health.

  • Tosey, visual: Parents should apply the way to create learning space for children by decorating the room of the baby science, airy with a separate study area.

Activities of knowledge at home

  • Learning math: Let children learn about geometry and counting in mathematics. Just teach your baby about parents' items can create games with counting numbers. At the same time, parents also distinguish colors and shapes for the baby. First parents say later to imitate, slowly discover, search, creative and imagine. Parents can refer to the Math app to help their children master math easily.

  • Learning Vietnamese through fairy tales: If your parents are at home without a screen, parents should tell the story of children whenever they prepare to go to bed, prepare 3D paper to describe the story for the baby to imagine. Vmonkey application with fairy tales, fables, speaking books … makes it easy to learn Vietnamese.

Activities of acquiring knowledge at home. (Photo: Internet collection)

  • Learning colors: Through objects, fruits, objects around parents can guide the color to remember and then ask again. Playing color games will help your baby remember longer. Junior – English for children who have just started (0-10 years old) also have interesting color lessons for children to learn and play.

  • Learning music: Parents should apply this method by giving children a lot of music, let their children sing and dance to the music naturally. Stories's Music Book book will help parents do this better.

4 principles when applying the reggio emilia method, parents should note

To ensure the effectiveness when applying the Reggio Emilia method, parents should strictly follow the following 4 basic principles:

Make sure children experience in activities

The core value when applying the Reggio Emilia method is practice and creativity. If parents make sure their children experience all activities, they will learn a lot of knowledge and skills. My brain will analyze and find the rule of things. Parents may feel surprised but the more they practice, the more they will learn more.

For example: Practicing clay soil, you should let your baby squeeze from the dough to complete. Do not replace your baby to do everything, he will lose his inherent creativity.

Ensure the child's participation

Children participating in activities independently will be the best way for children to learn independence and handle situations themselves. Therefore, if parents want to apply Reggio Emilia at home, they should ensure their right to participate. Consider your baby as a family member and respect the child.

This is a way to create trust and recognize children, help children develop their potential potential.

Respect the difference, interests of children ….

Each child has the right to be respected. Although parents are born, they should respect their differences and interests. If parents do this, they will be more confident, there will be a better environment to express themselves. Children's hobbies express their personal and personality, so they need to be respected.

4 Principles when applying Reggio Emilia Parents should note. (Photo: Internet collection)

Parents and teachers will be the companion with their children

When applying the Reggio Emilia method, parents should remember that the teachers and parents are the instructor and companion who is the close friend of their children. Therefore, parents should guide children how to play properly. Create an environment for children to freely explore but must accompany their children to adjust accordingly.

In general, applying the Reggio Emilia method is in fact not simple. Parents need to learn a lot and adjust accordingly to help them develop comprehensively both physically, intellectually and emotionally.

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