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Trẻ khuyết tật ngôn ngữ: Khái niệm, nguyên nhân & biện pháp giáo dục!

Trẻ khuyết tật ngôn ngữ: Khái niệm, nguyên nhân & biện pháp giáo dục!

Language disabled children are an increasingly interested issue in modern society. Understanding the concepts, causes and educational measures for children have difficulty in language development not only helps the family but also the community has the best solutions to support children. In this article, will explore with you in depth this issue.

The concept of children with linguistic disabilities

When referring to children with linguistic disabilities, many people will probably ask the question: “What is a linguistic child disabled?” This is a concept of children who have a shortage or lose important elements in communication such as vocabulary, phonetics and grammar. The outstanding feature of these children is that they cannot go away on their own but need medical and educational intervention.

Children with linguistic disabilities often cannot express their ideas, emotions or needs effectively. This difficulty can come from many different causes, including living environment, pathology, trauma, or abnormal body.

Many children with this situation may not be able to speak, or if they speak, it is also very difficult to create clear sounds or words. As a result, children may feel lonely and isolated, seriously affecting the child's psychological and social development.

Different forms of children with linguistic disabilities also make the classification and support become more complicated. For example, stuttering children may have difficulty communicating information due to interruption in words, while children say lisp that can cause misunderstandings in communication because of wrong pronunciation.

Types & manifestations of children with disabilities

One of the most important things in identifying language children is to understand their forms and expressions. Each child will have different symptoms and difficulties, depending on the root cause of the problem.


Loss of language is a state that children lose their ability to speak or understand after speaking. This condition can occur suddenly due to injury or pathology that damages the brain -related area. Children may become silent and unable to communicate even though they can still talk normally before.

In addition, losing language loss not only affects the ability to communicate but also reduces the ability to participate in social activities or learning of children. Parents often worry about the development of children when they find they cannot say or cannot understand what is happening around.


Different from the loss of language, children do not have language including children who have never developed language. This may stem from physical factors, pathology or nurturing environment. Children in this situation often do not use words and only communicate with unclear gestures or sounds.

The lack of language causes great difficulties for children in establishing relationships with family and friends. Children will be more difficult to express their own needs, which can lead to negative behaviors such as anger or stress.


Stuttering is a common form of language disorders in children. This condition is characterized by the interruption in the thought stream, causing children to repeat words, syllables or extend the sound. Children stuttering often have difficulty conveying their ideas and may feel ashamed to communicate with others.

To help children overcome this situation, parents can participate in the treatment process, such as seeking help from language experts or performing home communication exercises. Persevering efforts will bring positive results to the child's language development.

Hard -to -speak

It is difficult to say that the child has difficulty in pronunciation. Some children may be accompanied by symptoms of drooling or hard muscles of pronunciation. The unclear pronunciation can make children easily misunderstood or miss the opportunity to communicate.

This situation needs to be intervention early so that children can improve their speaking ability. Parents and teachers can support children by creating a positive communication environment and encouraging children to participate in talk activities.

The situation of speaking is difficult in children with linguistic disabilities. (Photo: Internet collection)


Say lisp is when children pronounce false compared to the standard. This may include lisp, first consonant, last sound, main sound. Children with this evidence can cause difficulties in communicating, and make others feel confusing when they listen to them.

Early detection and timely adjustment is important to help children reduce embarrassment and inferiority in communication. Pronunciation training sessions or interactive activities with children will help improve this situation quickly.

Voice disorders

Disorders of tone is a condition when a child's voice has abnormalities such as hoarseness, stuffy nose or weakness. This can directly affect the ability to communicate and how children show their emotions. Children may have difficulty conveying the exact meaning of what they want to say.

Overall health care and periodic examination will contribute to early detection and treatment of voice -related problems. This not only helps improve communication but also improves the quality of life for children.

Reading disorders

Reading disorders are a condition that children have difficulty in identifying and distinguishing letters, accompanied by the ability to read and write hesitantly, often make mistakes. This not only makes children difficult in learning but also affects the confidence in daily communication.

The application of diverse and appropriate teaching methods will help children develop their ability to read and write effectively. The support from the family and the school plays an important role in creating a solid foundation for children in the learning process.

Language retardation

Language retardation is a condition that children develop language slower than their peers. This can come from many different causes, including genetic factors, habitats or pathology. Children with language retardation sometimes feel disadvantaged when they cannot keep up with friends in communication.

Parents can support children by creating a rich communication environment and encouraging children to participate in social activities. In addition, finding advice from experts is also an important choice to help children develop language properly.

Language retardation. (Photo: Internet collection)

Causes of children with linguistic disabilities

Understanding the cause of the root causing children with linguistic disabilities is very important to build appropriate intervention strategies. There are many factors that can affect children's language development, from living environment to personal health.

The child's language development environment

The surrounding environment has a great influence on the child's language development. Children living in a poor language environment, less communication opportunities will be at higher risk in language difficulties. Children need to hear adults talking often, participating in communication activities to develop their language skills.

In addition, the lack of social interaction can also lead to language retardation. If the child does not have many opportunities to talk and play with friends, the child's ability to communicate will be significantly affected.

Due to pathology, injury

Some children with language disabilities may experience serious health problems, such as cerebral palsy, encephalitis or brain injury. These conditions can directly affect the language -related brain areas, leading to difficulties in speaking and understanding.

It is important that parents and caregivers need to monitor their health thoroughly. If abnormal signs are detected in language development, it is necessary to quickly seek timely intervention from health experts.

Effects from pregnancy, childbirth

The process of pregnancy and childbirth can also affect the development of the language of the child. Premature, underweight or undergoing events during childbirth are at higher risk in language difficulties.

The thoughtful care during pregnancy and postpartum is extremely important to ensure that the child has a good start. Periodic health examination and monitoring of children's development will help early detect possible problems.

Due to the abnormalities of the body, the senses

Finally, body or sensory abnormalities can also cause difficulties for children in language development. For example, children with deaf or hearing impairment will not be able to receive sound and language normally, leading to difficulties in communicating.

Early detection and timely intervention will help children get better opportunities in language development. Parents should pay attention to abnormal signs in the development of children to take appropriate actions.

Causes of children with linguistic disabilities. (Photo: Internet collection)

How to educate for children with language disabilities

Integrating education for children with linguistic disabilities is a very important factor in helping children integrate into the social community. By understanding and meeting the needs of children appropriately, we can help children feel confident and develop language effectively.

Understand the needs of children and try to listen to children

One of the first steps in children's integration education is to understand the needs of children. Each child has its own strengths and weaknesses in communication. Through listening and observing, parents and teachers can identify the most effective ways to communicate with children.

Try to create a safe and comfortable environment for children so that children can freely communicate will help children feel more confident. Listening to children not only helps detect difficulties but also creates close links between children and adults.

Instruct and tell children about what they are doing

It is important to provide children with clear and simple instructions about what they are doing. This not only helps children better understand the tasks that they are doing but also helps children develop language by using vocabulary and grammatical structure properly.

Through giving specific instructions, children will gradually form a habit of communicating and learning from people around them. This method helps children improve their ability to communicate naturally without feeling pressure.

Organize for children to play support games

The game is a great tool for children to develop language skills. Support games not only help children learn but also create fun and interest in communication. Participating in group games will help children improve their social and language skills.

In addition, traditional games can also be adjusted to suit the needs of children. Parents and teachers can create many different activities to stimulate the child's participation, thereby enhancing the child's ability to communicate.

Integration education for children with linguistic disabilities. (Photo: Internet collection)

Support and encourage receiving language

The receiving language, that is, the ability to understand and absorb information through language, is an important factor in language development. To support children in this, parents and teachers should create a rich language environment, where children can hear many new words and different sentence structures.

Performing activities such as reading, telling stories or discussing topics in everyday life will help children develop their ability to receive language. The support and encouragement from people around them will be a great motivation for children to explore the language world.

See also:

Support and encourage expression language

The expression language is the ability to express ideas, emotions and needs of children. In order to develop this ability, children need to be encouraged to participate in exchange, discussion and communication activities. Parents and teachers should create many opportunities for children to practice this skill.

The use of language exercises, communication games and group activities will help children improve their expressions. The encouragement and reward when children make small progress will also be a great source of inspiration for children.

Support and encourage language expression in children. (Photo: Internet collection)

In short, children with linguistic disabilities are a problem that needs to be cared for and taken care of properly. Understanding the concepts, types of expressions, causes as well as integration educational measures for children will help us to have the best solutions to support children. Thereby, children will have the opportunity to develop language and integrate into society in the most effective way.

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