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Tổng hợp 40+ bài toán lớp 1 đếm hình và kinh nghiệm chinh phục bài tập hiệu quả

Tổng hợp 40+ bài toán lớp 1 đếm hình và kinh nghiệm chinh phục bài tập hiệu quả

Grade 1 math, counting shapes is a basic, familiar form of math that children will learn and become familiar with. But in order for your child to be able to do math exercises on counting shapes correctly, parents should not ignore the experiences that shares in the following article.

What is math for counting shapes?

Grade 1 math counting shapes is a form of geometric math that requires children to count how many shapes of different geometric types there are in a given image.

Children need to find out the number of squares, circles, rectangles, diamonds, parallelograms or triangles, etc. It seems that this exercise in counting shapes is very simple, but there are many problems. Today's kid counted wrongly.

The reason why children often make mistakes in math exercises in 1st grade

The reason why children often do wrong counting exercises in the basic grade 1 math knowledge program is because of reasons such as:

Why do children count pictures incorrectly? (Photo source: Internet collection)

  • Young children cannot yet recognize geometry: sometimes they can confuse a rhombus with a square, a parallelogram with a rectangle, or even a square and a rectangle with each other.

  • The child's imagination is not fully developed: the second reason why children often do this type of exercise incorrectly is that their imagination is not good. Sometimes in the exercises there are compound shapes but the children cannot recognize them and can only see single shapes.

  • Your baby's counting skills are not yet mature: this is also the reason why your baby makes mistakes in typical exercises. Because sometimes children can skip counts or not remember the next number after the number they just counted.

Tips for learning 1st grade math effectively

To help children learn math from grade 1 to geometry effectively, here are a few tips that parents should refer to:

How to count squares

For how to teach grade 1 math about counting squares, parents should show their children counting tips through the following 4 steps:

Teaching children to count squares (Photo source: Internet collection)

  • Step 1: First, the children will mark the number 1 in the corner of the first square.

  • Step 2: The children will take turns marking the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5,… for the squares in the next position. When marking, remember to mark the single shapes first, then the double shapes, the grandmother shapes, and finally the largest shape that contains all the remaining shapes.

How to count rectangles

As for rectangles, to count the shapes, the children will do the same as when counting squares.

  • Step 1: First, the children will also number the corners of the rectangle.

  • Step 2: After that, the children will continue to place the next number in the corners of the other rectangle. In addition to marking by number, children can also use colorful pens to fill in the outlines of the rectangles and then mentally count the number of rectangles.

How to count triangles

When counting triangles, children will initially mark all the shapes, including those that are not triangles.

After that, the children will divide to see which shape does not have a dash in the middle (ie the figure does not have a line parallel to the bottom edge of the triangle). Then the children will add these numbers together to get the result. many triangles.

Teaching children to count triangles (Photo source: Internet collection)

In the case of shapes that have a dash parallel to the bottom edge, the children will number each floor as a number.

Then the children will add the numbers on the top layer of the picture and add the numbers on the bottom layer of the picture. This total result is the number of triangles you need to count.

Math exercises for counting shapes for grade 1 for children to practice

Below are some grade 1 math exercises with pictures that parents can choose for their children to practice:

Exercise 1

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 2

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 3

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 4

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 5

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 6

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 7

How many squares are there?

How many squares are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 8

How many squares are there?

How many squares are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 9

How many squares are there?

How many squares are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 10

How many squares are there?

How many squares are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 11

How many squares are there?

How many squares are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 12

How many squares are there?

How many squares are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 13

How many triangles, squares, and rectangles are there?

How many triangles, squares, and rectangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 14

How many triangles, squares, and rectangles are there?

How many triangles, squares, and rectangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 15

How many squares and rectangles are there?

How many squares and rectangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 16

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 17

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 18

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 19

How many squares are there? triangular?

How many squares are there? triangular? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 20

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 21

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 22

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 23

How many squares are there?

How many squares are there? (Image source: Internet collection)

Exercise 24

How many squares are there? triangular?

How many squares are there? triangular? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 25

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 26

How many rectangles are there?

How many rectangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 27

How many squares are there? rectangle? triangular?

How many squares are there? rectangle? triangular? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 28

How many rectangles are there? triangular?

How many rectangles are there? triangular? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 29

How many rectangles are there?

How many rectangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 30

How many rectangles are there?

How many rectangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 31

How many rectangles are there?

How many rectangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 32

How many rectangles are there?

How many rectangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 33

How many squares are there?

How many squares are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 34

How many squares are there?

How many squares are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 35

How many squares are there?

How many squares are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 36

How many squares are there?

How many squares are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 37

How many rectangles are there?

How many rectangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 38

How many squares are there?

How many squares are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 39

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 40

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 41

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 42

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 43

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 44

How many triangles are there?

How many triangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Exercise 45

How many rectangles are there?

How many rectangles are there? (Photo source: Internet collection)

Tips to help children learn 1st grade math effectively

To help children learn math and shapes most effectively, parents should immediately pocket the following tips:

Show your child the characteristics of geometric shapes

If you want your child to be able to count shapes fluently, parents first need to show them how to recognize the characteristics of each different geometric form. In particular, parents need to show their children:

Show your baby the characteristics of geometric shapes (Image source: Internet collection)

  • A square is a shape with four equal sides and all 90 degree angles.

  • A rectangle is a shape with two opposite sides parallel and four angles equal to 90 degrees.

  • A triangle is a shape with three sides.

Once children recognize geometric shapes, they can learn 1st grade math and count shapes very easily.

Learn math and counting through games

The second secret to help children learn math and counting shapes effectively is that parents should let their children learn through some games. Parents can write questions, drop them in a box and let their children draw.

When the child draws a question, the parents will ask the child to answer that question. In case the child answers the typical questions correctly, parents should give the child a reward.

Let your baby learn to count pictures through practice

The most practical way to learn about shapes that parents should choose for their children is to let them count shapes through practice. It is important for children to learn to count shapes through practice because they can learn the habit of observing and identifying shapes more easily.

Parents let their children count pictures through practice (Photo source: Internet collection)

For example, parents can show their children that a traffic light has three circles of three colors, a sign has a rectangular shape, etc. Thanks to learning to count shapes through this practice, children can You can see that mathematics is much closer.

Letting your child do regular math-related exercises will help him remember the characteristics of shapes and know how to count shapes fluently. Every day, parents should let their children practice about 3 to 5 exercises on counting pictures so that they do not forget how to do the exercises.

At the same time, parents should let their children do many exercises related to counting pictures, which will help their children not be confused during the test taking process. Because the children have grasped how to do specific and detailed exercises.

Learn counting shapes with Math

If parents want to choose an effective math learning application for their children and help them learn 1st grade math and count shapes better, don't miss Math. This is a leading reputable online math learning platform today. Math's curriculum content is compiled according to textbook standards with many picture counting exercises for children to practice every day. That's why after children learn basic knowledge, they will have the opportunity to practice useful and interesting exercises.

Let your baby learn math with Math (Photo source: Internet collection)

When learning typical math with Math, most children feel very excited about the funny images that appear in the application. Not only can children learn, but they can also play while learning.

These are the things that bring psychological comfort to children in the process of learning math. Children also always find learning with Math interesting and not dry.

See more: Suggested 50+ grade 1 math exercises for addition and subtraction and tips to help your child learn well

Do you now know how to teach 1st grade math to count pictures for your children? Hopefully with this shared information, parents can have more useful knowledge to teach their children to count pictures easily.

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