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Tìm hiểu từ A – Z giáo dục sớm cho trẻ 0 -12 tháng tuổi

Tìm hiểu từ A - Z giáo dục sớm cho trẻ 0 -12 tháng tuổi

More and more parents are more interested in early education for children from 0-12 months old with the desire to help children develop comprehensively and best. However, not all parents know the characteristics of children in this period as well as know how to apply educational methods to achieve the most effect. That is also the reason wants to share this article!

Child development characteristics 0 -12 months old

Children aged 0-12 months are when the body and the brain learn how to adapt to the environment outside the womb. Children will begin to form corpses, reactions and curiosity with everything around. Specifically, in each period of children, there are different development characteristics:

A period of 0-3 months old

At this time, the child has just been born, leaving the mother's body and in contact with the outside world. You can see that at this stage your baby appears a number of activities to get acquainted with the world such as:

  • When parents talk, smile can respond with a smile. At the same time, she also feels sensitive to the strange sounds or calls of everyone.

  • The baby's bones and muscles have a more development, so he will try to lift his head and chest.

  • The bigger the smaller the smaller the monitoring of the actions of every day.

  • Babies like to meet, suck their hands and the ability to hold objects also gradually mature.

  • When you see objects that appear in sight, your baby will try to use your hands to.

The period from 4-6 months of age

The children at this stage have their own characteristics due to the body, the awareness has developed more than the period of 0-3 months of age:

  • Children learn how to flip and crawl to the positions they want to go – this is also a way to contact the world around them.

  • Sometimes your baby will make the sounds of IA as if they were talking alone.

  • Baby's laughter and longer lasted, forming a series of sounds.

  • Babies use their hands better to hold the exact objects, even control them.

Children 4 - 6 months have prolonged laughter. (Source: Internet collection)

The period from 7-9 months of age

This is the second half of the newborn year of the baby. And during this period, children also have quite a lot of changes that parents can easily recognize:

  • Children are more active, prefer to use their hands and knees to crawl around and like to crawl, pull themselves with abdomen, arms and legs. There are also some babies leaps and walking to walk without crawling.

  • Starting can sit on your own without support.

  • When calling your baby by the baby's name can quickly react by turning to look at the caller or stop. Some babies can learn to talk soon.

  • Feeling interested in activities such as searching for objects or hiding.

The period from 10-12 months of age

Children's characteristics in 10-12 months are very different and clear, marking the transformation from babies to babies. That is:

  • Children start learning how to eat themselves with a spoon/spoon and can use their thumb, index finger to hold.

  • Can go short road and start learning how to explore the world.

  • Speaking clearly a few single words, such as father, mother, … The number of words can be said depending on each child.

  • Babies can tell you what your baby likes by pointing to things you want.

  • Know to imitate the simple activities of everyone around.

Overall, at each stage, there are different characteristics. In the age of 0-12 months, the baby has a very clear and rapid development and change.

Why need early education for children 0-12 months old

Early education for children from 0 12 months old is essential. Parents who have children in this age should be interested, learn and embark on children's education because it can bring a lot of benefits such as:

Children enjoy and study better

According to the father of Mind Map – Tony Buzan thinking method, the time when children under 2 years old, especially the time when children start learning to speak the ability to learn language of children very well. Or journalists, hosts, books and media experts Gordon Dryden also think that in the first 4 years of life is the time when people develop 50% of their ability to study and the next 3 years developed more 30% more.

Children aged 0-12 months begin to interact with the outside world, so they have strong desire and ability to discover and study. Therefore, parents should spend time, care, care and educate children at this time.

See also: Early education overview for children

Children develop both physically and intellectually

If parents apply the right method of early education for children from 0-12 months and have appropriate education, they can help children develop both physically and intellectually. Currently, there are many methods to educate children and can focus on stimulating the brain, helping children think better, richer imagination but at the same time help children exercise more, promote the development of skeleton.

Educate children early to make children smarter. (Source:

Discover the potential of children

At the age of 0-12 months, the child has begun to know how to show his interests and potential. When parents are concerned and educated early, the potentials of children will be more clearly revealed. At the same time, parents can also detect soon to have a plan to foster children in the future.

If parents discover that children have a language potential, they can download the Junior app – English for children who are only 0 – 10 years old. This is an application of English teaching for children to apply scientific education methods. With many English lessons divided, designed to suit each age and development stage of children, will help children learn English easily, naturally and more effectively.

Ensuring the development of children in the long run

Many studies have shown that in the period of 0-6 years old, the brain of the child develops the most strongly. However, if not properly and fully stimulated, this development will become less effective and gradually disappear. Therefore, in order for children to develop for a long time, creating a premise for intellectual development in adolescence and adulthood, in the first years of their parents, parents need to focus on educating children.

Children are more confident, more brave

Another benefit that early education for children from 0 12 months is that children become more confident and brave. Through the process of educating children, children are encouraged and facilitated by their parents to interact with the world around them, handling their own situations. This helps children no longer be afraid of everyone, everything, otherwise it will be more active and exciting.

Early educational methods for children 0 -12 months most effective

There are many early ways to educate children from 0-12 months effectively being applied by both Vietnamese parents and around the world. These include:

Shichida method

Applying the Shichida method is a way that parents educate early for children to be chosen by many families. This method is named after the inventor's name – Professor Makoto Shichida (1929 – 2009). The first time this method has appeared and applied in 1960. Thanks to the high educational efficiency, this method gradually became more popular in many countries around the world, especially in countries. A.

Professor Makoto Shichida - Father of Shichida Education Method (Source: VOV.GOV)

This is a very suitable educational method for children in the period of 0 – 3 years old because it focuses on stimulating the brain development. Especially in children from 0-12 months old, the development of the brain hemisphere must be more superior, the introduction of children by Shinichi method is even more necessary to balance the development of the two brain hemisphere . Through this method of education can help children form and develop all 5 senses: vision, hearing, tactile, taste and smell.

At the same time, the Shichida education method also has appropriate exercise exercises for children to have a healthy physical, favorable for the development of height, strong stiffness of the bone and the flexibility of the body.

Option 0 years old

Early education for children from 0-12 months under the 0 -year -old plan of Professor Phung Duc Toan (Feng de Quan) – the father of Smart Education early China is also a choice of many parents. He is known as a person with intensive knowledge and experienced experienced in developing potential for children, especially children in the ages of 0 to 6 years old. Currently, the 0 -year -old plan of Mr. Construction has been applied by millions of parents in China to raise children. Besides, countries such as Philippines, Malaysia, Canada, Japan and the US also participate in the education of children under this plan.

The 0 -year -old plan is also applied by many parents. (Photo:

The reason for the unexpected plan is widely used because it has brought many clear effects in educating children from 0-12 months in particular and 0 – 6 years old in general. This plan does not stop in comprehensive education for children but also focuses on fostering and nurturing talents that children own.

The 0 -year -old plan will educate children in an open method. Therefore, children will learn early in a comfortable environment, combine learning and playing, does not cause pressure for children, making children learn unintentionally but more effective.

Glenn Doman method

Glenn Doman is known as an early education method for children from 0-12 months of age very effectively by the Professor Glenn Doman and his colleagues research and introduction. Professor Glenn Don (1919 – 2013) graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, majoring in psychotherapy and is also one of the founders of the “Institute for Research and Human Potential Development”. He is not only famous in the world thanks to the ability to help restore children with brain damage but also thanks to the method of helping early education for children very scientific.

The Glenn Doman method has now been applied in many countries. There are many families, centers, schools and learning applications that have applied this method in the curriculum. Typically, Junior – Early English teaching program for children 0-10 years old.

The advantage of the Glenn Doman method is that children can easily receive information about words, quantity and surrounding world. Besides, this method can also create children with brain stimulation and motor ability. Thereby, children can develop more comprehensively in all aspects.

See also: How does Junior apply the Glenn Doman fast cardboard method?

5 things to note when early education for children 0 -12 months

In the process of education for children from 0 12 months, there are some important things that parents should pay attention to to achieve the best child parenting effect:

  • Parents should not put too heavy on the achieved results to avoid accidentally putting pressure on children.

  • Should choose the appropriate educational method for children and depending on the time and characteristics of children to adjust the reasonable education.

  • Should do the ideological work in advance with grandparents to avoid conflicts about early education by modern methods.

  • Parents always accompany their children and pay special attention to their children to identify their children's changes or development.

  • Always keep a happy and patient attitude towards children because the attitude of parents can create certain effects on their education and development.

Above are the development characteristics of children from 0-12 months that parents need to grasp. Besides, also shared with you the reasons for early education for children and the best educational methods. Parents should learn, consider and choose early educational methods for children from 0 12 months suitable for their children.

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