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Siêu giải trí với 30+ trò chơi trí tuệ cho học sinh tiểu học thông minh năng động

Besides studying, parents need to let their children play intellectual games for elementary school students to help them grow up and be smart. The following article will summarize the best games that parents should not miss.

Top 10 games for elementary school students to help them improve their foreign language skills

Below are the top 10 games for elementary school children that help improve foreign language skills, especially English, that has compiled.


Provide 20 English words and let the children randomly choose 5 words and write them down on paper in straight order. After the game leader reads any 8 words, the child who has all 5 words or 3 words next to each other (for example, words in positions 5, 6, 7) wins.

Chain game

The game leader says a sentence in English, the child will repeat and say another sentence, take turns, the game leader must repeat the 2 sentences just said and say the third sentence, and continue until someone loses.

For example: Game leader: “I'm hungry”, child: “I'm hungry and tired”, game leader: “I'm hungry and tired and sad”…

Hang man

The game leader chooses a keyword and writes on the paper the number of dashes corresponding to the number of characters of that word. Children will guess each letter to find the keyword. For example, the keyword “Pink”, if the child guesses the letter “I”, the leader will write “I” in the second dash. The child guesses the letter “H” is wrong so he has to guess again.


The game leader whispers the keyword to player 1, player 1 will whisper it to player 2, continue to spread the word to player 10, if player 10 answers the keyword correctly, he wins.


The leader of the game introduces a topic about travel, one person will say a word related to travel and then point to person 2, person 2 will say another word about travel and then point to person 3. Whoever cannot answer loses.

Tick ​​tock

It is necessary to prepare a clock, the leader will say the time in English so that the child can adjust the clock to the correct time. For example: The game leader says “Two past five”, the child will turn the clock to 5:02.

Spelling bee

The leader says the key word and the children must spell it correctly. For example: the leader says “think”, the child will spell “t, h, i, n, k”.

Mess up

Messing up the letters in a word, the child has to figure out what the word is to rewrite it correctly. Like “ynufn”, the child has to guess “funny”.


Write 10 key words on paper, give your child 30–60 seconds to memorize them. When time is up, hide the paper so the children can write again. Whoever can write more wins. Junior – Learn English by playing games Junior is Vietnam's leading online English learning application to help children Preschool, Primary School Improve your foreign language skills. This smart application integrates a variety of genres games, books, stories Can help children develop English language comprehensively. Junior has 2,000+ vocabulary words on 56 topics close to children. (Photo:

Currently, you can search and download the Junior application from CH Play or App Store to let your children try learning completely for free. And, to get the best advice, parents should contact via hotline 1900 63 60 52. Or leave information right HERE to receive many discounts up to 40% and thousands of free learning materials. Fee.

10 useful math games for elementary school students to help children train their brains

Based on children's needs, has compiled more than 10 learning games for elementary school students to help children train their brains and develop thinking right below.

Instructions for designing primary school math teaching games

Intellectual games for elementary school students must ensure safety, creativity, and appropriate elements for the children's age. Only then will the benefits of playing and learning, bringing knowledge and excitement to children, be maximized. And here are 10 intellectual games for elementary school students to help develop their calculating ability:

More, less

Show your child two pictures of objects with different quantities so he or she can guess which side has the larger quantity. For example: Picture 1 shows 5 birds, picture 2 shows 6 chairs, the child will answer that picture 2 has more objects in the picture.

Arrange order

Write numbers from 1-10 on each piece of paper and randomly distribute them to the children. After the leader says “Start”, the children must line up vertically/horizontally in the correct order from smallest to largest.


The leader says the name of any shape, the children must choose the corresponding number of people to create that shape with their hands, for example, a square requires 2 people with 4 arms or requires 4 people, each person holding out an arm.

Power transmission

Child 1 says any mathematical operation and then points to friend 2, child 2 says the result and a new mathematical operation and then nominates friend 3 to answer. For example: Baby 1: “5+2” -> baby 2: “7, 7+3” -> baby 3: “10, 10+8”,…

Electricity transfer game helps children calculate faster. (Photo: Internet Collection)

Make friend

Each child wears a card containing a different calculation on their chest. They must find a friend with the same result as them. For example, the person “2+2” will pair up with the person “5-3” because both have a result of 2.

Guess me

The game leader creates a riddle for the child to guess what number it is. For example: When asked “What number is round, like a chicken egg”, the child needs to guess the number 0; “Which number is like a stick, the old man often carries it”, the child will guess is number 1,…

The calculation is correct

The game leader gives out any number and the children must answer the correct calculation to get that result. For example, when the game leader says “8”, child 1 will answer “3+5=8″, child 2 will say ” 4+4=8″,…

Form a group

The leader says any number and within 3 seconds, the children must form a group with the corresponding number of members. For example: The leader says the number 5, 5 people hold hands to form a group, the leader says the number 2, 5 people let go of each other's hands and 2 of them will hold hands to form a new group.


The leader says a math problem, the child must clap the correct number of times for the answer. For example, when the game leader says 3+4, the child will clap 7 times. Math – Number 1 math learning application for Preschool & Primary children

With more 10 million people in 108 countries Trusted around the world, Math is a great choice in helping children learn math, love it and progress in math. Built with a systematic lesson system and a huge treasure of knowledge, Math is committed to creating the best conditions for children to know calculation, measurement, thinking from an early age.

Most especially, the Math math application was developed to help children learn math through other languages (specifically English). From there, it helps improve both language and logical thinking skills for young children.

To get the best advice, parents should contact via hotline 1900 63 60 52. Or leave information right HERE to receive many discounts up to 40% and thousands of Free learning materials.

Math is easy with Math. (Photo: Internet Collection)

5 intellectual games for elementary school students to help boost their spirits before class

To start an energetic and effective study session. Teachers or parents can design learning games for elementary school students, following the sample games below.

Who does it right?

Divide the class into several groups corresponding to roosters, hens and chicks. When the teacher points to a group, all members of that group simultaneously make the sound of the designated chicken.

For example: Group 1 is a rooster, the members have to crow, group 2 is a hen, they have to cluck, group 3 is a chicken, they have to say chirp chirp,…

Pass the water bottle

One student holds a water bottle and passes it around while the whole class sings a song. Anyone who holds a water bottle when the song ends will be punished.

Stand, sit, clap

The teacher stipulates in advance for the children to follow: When the teacher says “Stand” the children sit, when the teacher says “Sit” the children clap their hands, and when the teacher says “Clap your hands” the children stand. Anyone who does wrong will be punished.

Sing by numbers

The teacher says number 1, a volunteer sings a song with number 1 like “Spread your hands, count your fingers, a fat guy looks really good”. The teacher says the number 2, another student sings a song with the number two like “Two baby lizards”.

Three stars lost copies

The teacher makes a movement (like making a fist and then opening it) and just for student 1 to see, student 1 will do the same for student 2 to see. Continuing to transmit that action to the last person, the last person must do it. Show the correct initial movement.

10 intellectual games for elementary school students suitable for organizing during physical education time

More than 10 intellectual games for first graders below will help make physical education lessons exciting and no longer boring. Refer now!

Relay race

Divide into 5 students/group, each round has two opposing groups, members will stand 10m apart. After hearing the command, the first member holds the stick and runs quickly to pass the stick to the second person. The second person, after receiving the stick, starts running to pass it to the third person. The team with the 5th member holding the stick will reach the finish line sooner. then win.

Relay running strengthens the camaraderie between class members. (Photo: Internet Collection)

Crocodile comes ashore

Each turn has about 8-10 people. The teacher draws a large circle with chalk on the field to make a border. Choose a member to play the crocodile and stand outside the circle. The remaining members stand in the circle. They can leave the circle, but if the crocodile catches them, they lose.

Capture the flag

Each turn has 2 teams playing, placing water bottles between the two teams. Members of each team will be a number from 1 to n (n is the order of the last person). The game leader says any number, the members with that number run up to pick up water bottles and run back to their team. The team that picks up the water bottle first without letting the other team touch it wins.


Two teams play against each other. If a team member throws a ball that hits another team member but that team member cannot catch the ball, he or she will be eliminated. The two teams throw the ball until they eliminate all members of the opposing team, then they win.


The teacher draws 8 squares in a straight line with 2 even rows and 1 odd row. Students hold a pebble and throw it into any box and then start jumping with one foot for single boxes and two feet for double boxes. When you get to box 8, turn back and pick up the pebble in the box you just threw while jumping back to box 1. When jumping, be careful not to jump into a box with gravel and while jumping, if your feet touch the edge or jump illegally, you will play will be disqualified.

See more:

Musical chairs

Arrange 5 chairs for 6 members. When the music plays, the members move in a circle, the music turns off, everyone has to sit on chairs, anyone who can't sit in time will be eliminated. In the next round, the leader takes out a chair, leaving 4 chairs for 5 members and continues to play music, going around in a circle.

Jumping the sack

The teacher prepares sacks and divides them into several teams. Each member of each team gets into a burlap sack and jumps to the starting line. After many rounds of play, the team with the most members reaching the finish line first wins.

Guess the word

The teacher gives a keyword, a member will express that keyword with actions and not make a sound. The remaining members must guess the correct keyword.

Transform into an animal

The teacher says the name of the animal and the students will have to act like that animal. For example, when saying crab, children will walk sideways, frog, they will squat and jump,…

Cat chases mouse

The whole class forms a circle, holds and raises their hands high. One person plays the cat and the other plays the mouse. The cat will chase to touch the mouse, both of which can pass through your hands to run into or out of the circle.

Cat and mouse game. (Photo: Internet Collection)

Above are the best intellectual games for elementary school students compiled and shared by with the hope that future preschoolers will become increasingly intelligent, healthy and can become the pride of their parents. Save this article now to enjoy the fun intellectual games mentioned above with your children!

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