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Luyện nghe tiếng Anh lớp 2: Tổng hợp 21+ bài nghe chất lượng và cách luyện nghe hiệu quả

Luyện nghe tiếng Anh lớp 2: Tổng hợp 21+ bài nghe chất lượng và cách luyện nghe hiệu quả

Practicing listening skills is very important for elementary school students in general and 2nd grade students in particular. Besides the book with listening files, parents can completely find English listening materials for children easily through English learning applications, online website or YouTube channels completely free. Here are the detailed sharing of

21+ English listening to standard 2nd grade classified by topic

Practicing English listening skills is a long way, requiring excitement, hard work of children as well as the right method of parents. Practicing listening to 2nd grade English for children with themes will help children focus more and optimize effectively.

Listening to English topic

Family is the most familiar place for children. Listening to English themes not only helps children accumulate more English vocabulary for this topic but also respect and love the people around them more. These theme English vocabulary are quite simple, so parents can completely choose this theme English for children to try to listen.

Family themes are very close to children. (Photo: Internet collection)

Some English listening to family themes for 2nd grade students are:

Practice listening to English 2nd class animal themes

The world of animals always gives children curiosity and excitement to learn. If your child loves this topic, parents start practicing listening skills through the interesting videos below:

Listening to English 2nd grade food theme

Are there any small friends who don't love food? This 2nd grade English listening practice will definitely attract children. Here are the songs and stories on this topic, parents can open for children to practice listening to English at home:

Listening to the topic of activities/ daily habits

What do parents often do every day? It would be interesting if parents started to listen to their children with their activities every day such as waking up early in the morning, brushing their teeth, breakfast, going to school and studying with friends, playing …

Practice listening to the topic of daily activities gives children many interesting things. (Photo: Internet collection)

Some useful English listening exercises, parents can let their children practice listening are:

  • A Bear Named Sue – the song about the bear Sue with daily activities like humans.

  • Now We're Ready – Funny English Songs about the daily preparation activities before going to school.

  • Brush Bus – Brushing activities of “characters” of buses.

Listening to English topic

Surely every little girl has their own hobby. Parents see what your child's interests are to start choosing the right English listening lesson. Here is a suggestion about the listening document from

  • The Boat Adventure – The adventure on the boat of Sam and Pam.

  • The Camping Adventure – The fun camping of Sam and Pam and his friends.

  • The picnic – the family picnic and Tess family.

Effective ways to listen to English listening to 2nd grade students

There are many ways for parents to practice listening to 2nd grade English for their children such as Luyen listening to songs, comics, books, poems or cartoons. The more diverse the listening practice form, the more excited you will be learning.

Practice listening to English through interactive comics

Different from traditional reading stories (only with files, record records), comics interact with eye -catching drawings, vivid sound that allows children to touch when learning to bring outstanding benefits. I not only study with a comfortable, non -pressure, increased imagination, accumulating vocabulary, but the educational content in the story also helps me to guide the right personality.

The giant story of Stories. (Photo:

Learning English through interactive comics is also the way that the Stories application applies to teach children in grade 2 in particular and children in the age of 2-10 in general. With more than 1,000 interactive comics and always added every week, Stories is the giant 2nd grade English listening document at home of the children. The story is divided into 4 levels from easy to advanced, very convenient for parents to choose the listening article that suits their ability.

Practice listening to 2nd grade English through songs

The English songs with fun tunes, simple words, catchy tone are easy for children to start training their listening skills. Parents can search for their favorite English songs to increase their excitement in the learning process.

The children can practice listening to English through the song. (Photo: Internet collection)

In order for your child's 2nd grade English listening practice through an effective song, parents should start for children to practice listening from short, simple and can split the listening time of the song about 10-20 seconds. After listening, parents let their children rewrite the words they have learned or use paintings to describe words. Stories also has many interesting English music for children and parents to choose. Some English songs that are loved by many children on the app are: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star – Small Star Sparkling, Rain Rain Go Away – Rain, Baa Black Sheep – Happy Black sheep …

Practice listening through poetry

Similar to English songs, poems that have easy -to -memorized rhymes, easy to remember are also loved by many children. English poems not only help children learn vocabulary easily but also help children practice good listening and pronunciation skills with standard and slow voice.

The application that helps children good at English before the age of 10 – Stories also has many English poems classified by each level such as Rain in Summer, Where Go The Boat, Swim In The Wind, Warm Summer Sun … Stories has many English poems for children. (Photo: Screenshot)

Parents can easily find these articles in the theme “Poem” (Poetry) at the “Listening” section on the Stories app.

Practice listening through cartoons

What do you think if you let your child learn and entertain through English cartoons? This is a listening method that helps children learn a lot of simple sentence structures and close to life so that they will be more confident when speaking, communicating in specific situations.

There are many interesting cartoons for children to practice listening to English. (Photo: Internet collection)

Some “classic” English listening films for children can choose for their children: Up (soaring), Frozen (Frozen Queen), My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (small horse of Me: Magic friendship) …

See also: 11+ 2nd grade English cartoons worth watching all the time

Note when choosing 2nd grade English listening materials for children?

In order for the process of listening to 2nd grade English according to the theme of the child effectively, choosing the standard listening document is a prerequisite. When choosing English listening to children, parents should pay attention:

Parents should choose the listening post that suits their ability. (Photo:

  • Choose the appropriate listening post for your child's level: Depending on your child's ability, parents should have appropriate listening options. If your child has just started to practice listening, the vocabulary is small, parents should prioritize short listening lessons with simple themes and close to their children. When your child's listening ability is better, parents can increase the listening time as well as the difficulty of the card. The Stories app has many listening levels for parents to choose.

  • Prestige source: Having quality sources will ensure the content of the listening list of native speakers, helping children to practice listening skills as well as correct pronunciation.

  • Priority for your favorite topic: Practicing listening skills with your favorite topic will help 2nd grade students more excited when studying.

Effective 2nd grade English listening support tool

There are many tools to support listening to English 2nd grade at home for free or paying, parents can refer to the choice for children. In addition to traditional listening methods through CDs and books, parents can let their children practice listening to English through applications, online websites or YouTube channels very convenient. Stories App – Stories

Practice listening to English through applications is increasingly popular because of its convenience, diverse learning content helps children to learn and play. Not only helps children practice listening skills superior to their peers, Stories also helps children practice both speaking, reading and writing skills effectively.

For a solid English vocabulary platform, helping to practice listening more effectively, parents let their children study with the Junior application. This is an app learning vocabulary and standard pronunciation for children. With only 10 minutes of study per day, corresponding to 1 lesson, I can accumulate over 1,000 English vocabulary every year. Having rich vocabulary, the listening process of children will certainly be much easier.

Download the Stories app: Here and Junior: Here.

Practice listening to English through online websites

Just need a computer device, iPad or a network connection phone, parents can easily access a lot of quality websites for children to practice the 2nd grade to practice listening skills completely free.

Website Practice listening to prestigious English. (Photo: Screenshot)

Here are some websites, parents can refer to choosing for children:

  • Britishcuncil: This is an extremely useful English listening website with countless listening and video files. After each listening, there are activities such as games, homework for children to practice listening and understanding skills. In addition to practicing listening skills, Britishcuncil also has many lessons to help children practice reading, writing, speaking, grammar, vocabulary …

  • This is an English teaching website for children through games, songs, TV programs. The website has a lively sound, illustrative images, and interactive creates excitement for students.

Practice listening to 2nd grade English through YouTube channel

Images, eye -catching sounds and content diversity on YouTube are always attractive to children. Taking advantage of this, parents can find useful channels for their children to learn English at home.

Because the content of the lesson on YouTube is very easy, the content control is not tight. Therefore, parents need to be careful when choosing the source to listen to their children through this channel.

There are many free YouTube channels that help children practice listening to English. (Photo: Internet collection)

Some YouTube channels practice listening to English quality 2nd quality parents can refer to their children:

  • Chuchutv: The quality YouTube channel established from 2013 to now has 55 million subscribers and more than 37 billion views. Here, the 2nd grade children can practice listening to English through hundreds of interesting songs.

  • Simple Kids Crafts: Children not only learn basic skills by recycling many used items but also significantly practics English listening skills. YouTube channel was established in 2008 with more than 700 thousand subscribers and more than 200 million views.

  • Little Baby Bum: YouTube channel made in 2011 now has 38.6 million subscribers and over 36 billion views. This is an English listening channel through quality songs parents can choose for their children.

Practice listening to 2nd grade English through books and cd listening files

Despite many modern English learning channels, the method of listening to English through books and traditional audio files still promote their advantages. This is an offline learning method (no need to connect to the network), children will not be disturbed by ads or other elegant information on the computer screen.

Some books for listening to English 2nd grade, parents can refer to their children: Listen up, Step by Step Listening …

Listening is an important skill for any English learner, including elementary school children. Hopefully the above sharing of has helped parents have more useful references to help their children practice listening to English in grade 2 effectively at home. Parents do not forget to download and give your child free experience Stories to help you “lift” the listening skills quickly!

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