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Giáo dục trẻ mầm non với 6 Nguyên tắc, 8 Phương pháp mà ba mẹ cần phải ghi nhớ!

Giáo dục trẻ mầm non với 6 Nguyên tắc, 8 Phương pháp mà ba mẹ cần phải ghi nhớ!

The success of every human being depends a lot on the process of educational at preschool age. Therefore, the education of preschool children is concerned by many schools and parents. But how to do the ways of educating to help your child cooperate as well as the most effective acquisition? The information will be shared by in the article below.

What is educating preschool children?

Educating children at preschool age is an important foundation to help each child gain the best maturity. Children who are well -educated from a young age will have a higher success rate. They grow up will be children who understand stories, love, share, and responsible. Especially, children who are applied for properly educational care methods will avoid social evils. So what is educating children at preschool age?

Educating children at preschool age is actually equipping children with physical, emotional, cognitive, aesthetic … about the world around them. Children will have the most complete system of knowledge to be independent and protect themselves in the process of maturity. The education of children at preschool age often has good effects when parents and heads have a combination.

For children who are not yet at school age, parents are an important factor in education. Parents need to make a standard example, gently encourage and guide children with right and wrong things so that they can change their behavior and awareness.

Purpose of educating preschool children

Educating preschool children is a long -term journey and is not easy. Parents also need goals and purposes to ensure they can be done most effectively. Accordingly, the purpose of educating children at preschool age that any parent wishes to achieve all like:

  • Help children love, care, share with people: Children who are educated will be more open, love, share with those around them. Children will not be stubborn or selfish and become better.

  • Help children gain the right knowledge about people and society: When educating children, they will know the right and wrong to be aware of the right and wrong, and from there, there are the most appropriate actions.

  • Help children stay away from social evils: Social evils are always hidden around us. Educating children to be aware of social evils, the dangers and consequences of evils will help children have a sense of protecting themselves and not being seduced or enticing.

  • Know to protect themselves from abuse: Educating preschool children with gender knowledge will help children realize the importance of sensitive areas and also know to protect themselves when falling into such situations.

  • Having a full range of skills to serve themselves: Children will be educated by their parents to be able to do their own personal things, know how to take care of themselves in the most basic things. Young from there will become independent people.

  • Live responsibility: Help children become responsible people, know the right action to bring the best.

  • Help children more successful, more confident: Children are fully equipped with knowledge and life skills will certainly have strong confidence. Such children also have a higher success rate than timid children.

The education of children at preschool age is extremely important and urgent. The child with a solid educational foundation will be able to conquer dreams and achieve the most worthy results.

What is the education of preschool children?

The current methods of educating preschool children are quite rich and diverse. Parents can use and apply most easily. However, regardless of the use of educational methods, parents need to ensure the following knowledge and skills:

  • Personal hygiene education for preschool children: preschool children depending on the specific age, they will be aware of personal hygiene. Parents need to guide children to do jobs in their ability. This will help children be aware of their own work, responsible for themselves and know how to live more independently.

  • Equipping children with language skills: Language is the important tool of children to help express the strength, desire, interests and views of the individual. Therefore, when using the methods of educating preschool children in accordance with science will help children have very good language skills. Children may know their desires with the most positive attitude. Through this, parents can also better understand their children.

  • Help children have proper communication skills: Communication skills play an important role and a factor to help children to achieve early success. Children need to be polite, obey adults. Know how to get along with friends. Children need to use proper words suitable for the opposite person.

  • Gender education for preschool children: Gender education is a hot content today. Each year many preschool children are sexually abused is a wake -up bell for adults. Therefore, the gender education for preschool children will help children be aware of the not allowing strangers to touch people, know how to call for help in dangerous situations …

  • Physical education for preschool children: Children who want to fulfill all their dreams and desires need good health. Therefore, parents need to educate children to exercise, train and exercise every day.

  • Music education for preschool children: Children must have a gentle, emotional, emotional and emotional soul. And of course, music is a tool for children to burn their emotions.

  • Educate life skills for preschool children: Life skills are a decisive factor for each person's success. Having good expertise, life skills will help you be more successful. Therefore, parents need to be aware of educating the content of life skills for children.

Children need to learn about personal hygiene. (Photo:

The education of preschool children includes a lot of content. These contents ensure that children are fully equipped with practical knowledge, life skills, attitudes … to become more useful and more responsible people. Therefore, parents should pay attention to ensure adequate equipment for children.

Principles of educating preschool children

Educating children at preschool age is basically not easy. Children of preschool age often do not have the awareness of perfection, children who are more playful than studying and quickly forget. Therefore, in order to ensure that the child's education is effective, helping children cooperate in parents to apply some basic principles:

Principle of educating young children's age

Each specific age parents will have separate early education methods to ensure the most appropriate and effective. Accordingly, children at the age of kindergarten will be from 3 months – 3 years old. This is the young age that has not fully developed in terms of awareness and affection. So some principles applied when educating children at this age such as:

  • More conversation: Children at this age have not yet formed a full awareness and is not aware of the lessons that parents teach. Therefore, all parents need to apply the principle of conversation. Chat a lot for children to get acquainted and change their behavior.

  • Gentle: Educating children at this age can not use scolding or forced. Especially children 2-3 years old often want to explore everything without wanting to enter the framework. Therefore, parents need to be gentle in any situation.

  • Encourage, encourage and praise: Children are extremely liked to be praised. Children will think that is support. Therefore, before every right job of children, parents need to encourage and praise them.

Children need to be taught about love. (Photo:

Principle of educating young kindergarten children

For children the age of kindergarten has somewhat gained the most primitive perception of everything around. At this age, children know how to show what they like, what they don't like and show their views. In particular, children will also have protest attitudes, uncooperative with what adults advise. Therefore, to bring the best educational effect, parents can note some of the following principles:

  • Two -way interaction: When children have desires, parents need to listen. Incorrect needs, parents can show their baby positive and negative as well as consequences. This will gradually help children get more proper awareness and more proper behaviors.

  • Funding rewards: Children at this age often show strong personality. Therefore, parents need to tell children that they do it right and where to do wrong to be able to change their perceptions and behaviors. Parents should apply the appropriate form of penalties for children to notice that they do that is not right.

  • No whip, scolding: The form of scolding, whip at this age will make children want to protest and not cooperate. Therefore, in order to help educate preschool children effectively, parents should not use these negative actions.

Parents need to always be happy, gently educate children. (Photo:

Whatever age, parents need to be an exemplary, always listening and encouraging children. In addition, parents also need patience to achieve the biggest goals with their children.

See also:

8 Methods of educating preschool children

The diversity of preschool education methods helps parents to refer and choose the method suitable to the development characteristics of children. Specifically, parents can refer to 9 educational methods for children at preschool age such as:

  • Montessori method: This is one of the extremely famous early educational methods for preschool children and is applied a lot in Vietnam. Children will be encouraged to develop themselves and then parents are just followers, orientation and support for children.

  • Reggio Emilia method: For this method, children will learn independence and do all jobs in their ability. That helps children stimulate their ability to think and help children get a more complete thinking system.

  • Glenn Doman method: For young Glenn Doman method, it will be stimulated maximum language ability by approaching, familiarizing and developing vocabulary through flashcards, dot cards. In addition, parents can also use the Junior app – learning English just started for children 0 – 10 years old to help children develop the maximum language.

  • Steiner method: Using this method will help children to develop factors such as emotion, will and think through fun activities, music, painting …

  • Steam method: Steam method helps children develop knowledge about techniques, technology, science and mathematics and help children maximize their thinking and creativity.

  • Highscope method: Parents can educate preschool children with the highscope method to help children actively participate in learning programs.

  • Shichida method: Children will be comprehensively developing physically, mentally and brain through self -handling.

  • Forest School method: Children can cultivate all knowledge and skills through outdoor activities such as playing and exploring nature.

Currently, you can search and download the Junior app from CH Play or App Store to let your children try to try it completely for free. And, for the best advice, please contact via the 1900 63 60 52. Or leave information right here to receive a lot Preferential up to 40% and thousands Free learning materials.

Parents should communicate with their children more. (Photo:

Each method of education for children at preschool age helps children to develop all their skills and awareness in the right way. Therefore, parents need to learn each method, evaluate which method is suitable for the perception, affection, skills inherent of children. From there, parents can choose the most appropriate method of educating preschool children and bring the best effect.

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