- What is ethical education for preschool children?
- Why need moral education for preschool children?
- What is the content of ethical education for preschool children?
- Principle of ethical education for preschool children
- Ethical education method for preschool children
- Ethical education for preschool children
- Note when educating ethics for preschool children
Ethical education for preschool children is extremely important parents need to care. Having good morality, children will help society and their children also have more chances to be more successful in the future.
What is ethical education for preschool children?
Young children need to equip themselves with many lessons, knowledge and skills to serve life. To become a good person, the useful person will have to learn a lot, train a lot. One of the things that any child must equip himself is morality. Ethics of each small girl will be formed day by day and when growing up will have their own moral standards.
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Ethical education is an extremely important job for every child. Therefore, even at preschool, parents and schools had to have a plan and aware of the ethical education for children. Accordingly, ethical education for preschool children is the equipping children with social ethical standards. Social ethical standards will be transformed to become children's beliefs, habits and needs.
Through ethical education for preschool children will help children know how to become good and useful people for society. Especially based on those ethical standards will help children to know the perception, act of righteousness, know how to live for themselves, for families and for society. No matter how talented a person is without morality, he does not have success. Forming the right ethical behavior for children is a problem that every parent must answer.
Why need moral education for preschool children?
Professional education and knowledge for children are important but ethical education is even an extremely urgent issue. Every child needs to be ethical education so that when he grows up to become good people, know how to do it right and live right. It can be seen that the moral education for children at preschool age brings many benefits such as:
Formation of personality for children: Children of preschool age are in the process of perfecting themselves, perfecting their personality. Ethical education will help children form good personalities, limit stubbornness, stubbornness and difficulty.
Being aware of right and wrong in life: Before each incident, children will know whether it is right or wrong to be able to do or do not do. Children know the bad to know the bypass and limit the consequences that are not beneficial for themselves.
Protect the right thing: When children form the right awareness of the world, children will have enough confidence and strong enough to be able to stand out to protect the right and struggle for the right.
A sense of protecting yourself: Ethics education for preschool children helps children have a sense of protecting themselves from bad things, before the dangers in life. At that time, children will have enough equipment can handle and protect themselves.
Follow the regulations: Educate children about their duties towards family, friends and society. Children will know how to comply with the regulations of each different environment.
Children are more independent: Ethical education helps children to be independent, self -know how to study, and perform jobs to serve themselves.
Ethical education brings a lot of benefits for children. Parents are aware of ethical education will also help children have a brighter future. Since then becoming good people, useful people and lives responsible.
What is the content of ethical education for preschool children?
Preschool children are in the age of development and perfection of thinking, awareness, knowledge and worldview. Therefore, the moral education for children at this time will bring many outstanding effects. Accordingly, in order to educate ethics for preschool children, parents, teachers need to focus on the following basic contents:
Help children develop positive emotions: Children will know who loves themselves and will tend to listen and love that person. Therefore, grasping this psychology, parents need to teach children through gentle words. Parents absolutely do not use the whip because they will make children scared and gradually form psychological opposition. The affection of people around children is the catalyst for children to form the most positive emotions.
Help children love people, obey adults: Children often tend to imitate adults. Therefore, if parents are an exemplary, surely children will become a person who loves and listens to adults. Children will have the most positive attitudes before the advice and teaching of adults.
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Teaching children to life skills, self -service skills: Young children need to learn how to independently. The independence helps children take initiative before all problems in life. Parents also need to educate life skills so that children can have enough luggage to enter life. Accordingly, preschool children need to know how to serve themselves in many jobs such as brushing, wearing clothes, wearing shoes …
Help children get along with people: sociable helps children have more confidence. Parents need to let children expose a lot with the community to get the most comprehensive view of life. In the process of exploring children will also form a friendly, closer and more harmonious attitude with people.
Help children recognize the right and left: In the lives around us always exist the right and incorrect things. Parents need to teach children what should and should not do. From there the child will have a sense of odd in life.
Help children recognize the dangers and how to handle: Ethics education for preschool children is also the fact that parents need to help children be aware of the dangers that can come to them in life. Through this, parents need to integrate the ways to handle so that children can be more confident and stronger.
It can be said that ethical education for children at preschool age is a vast category. Ethical education will be a process to help children form good personalities, become useful people, love ordinary, wrong and get wrong and apologize.
Principle of ethical education for preschool children
Teaching children about morality is always a process that is not easy. Therefore, to ensure that it is possible to convey all the contents of ethical education to preschool children, parents and teachers should pay attention to the following principles:
Comprehensive: Parents and teachers need to teach children fully the contents of ethical education. This will help children get a comprehensive development, get the most general view of the world they live.
Ensure the purpose: Parents and teachers need to clearly identify small goals to conquer children. From there, it is possible to accomplish greater goals.
It is necessary to have a combination of education and nurturing and care: Children learning about morality will need to learn in many different environments. Children need to learn basic skills at home, skills when in the common environment …
Encouraging children to work in groups: Working in groups will help children to show many personalities. From there, parents will have the most overview and have the appropriate method of ethical education for children. Besides, living in the collective also helps children learn many things.
Flexibility in education: No child is the same. Therefore, parents need flexibility in the process of ethical education to help bring the best effect.
Links between families and schools: The school and the family need to have a coordination to help children develop comprehensively, improve themselves and cultivate many right things.
Encourage children to express themselves: This will help children feel more confident, stronger and courageous to solve and handle many unexpected problems.
Ethical education method for preschool children
How to educate ethics most effectively for preschool children? Choosing the appropriate ethical education method will help parents to accomplish their goals as well as help children have the most complete moral luggage. Therefore, parents can refer to the following methods:
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Ethical education through daily tasks: Children at home, parents can completely educate children through jobs. Children doing housework also helps children be aware of their responsibilities with common jobs.
Ethical education for children in school chair: Children who go to school will be taught teachers with moral lessons as well as children will have the environment to develop and improve themselves.
Ethical education for children in a broader environment: through trips, plays, picnics … is an opportunity to help parents can integrate many ethical lessons for children.
Ethical lessons need to be gentle and close: This helps children to be more comfortable in acquiring. Parents should not have negative attitudes before each issue that they do wrong. Gently tell your child to see the correct and incorrect score of the problem to be able to learn from experience and correct mistakes.
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Ethical education for preschool children
For preschool children, the most effective moral education is that parents should use many different means. These vehicles are a bridge to help children feel more excited with moral lessons. Parents can choose the following means and tools to help educate the most effective ethics for children:
Game: Games are always a perfect environment to help parents integrate ethical education stories. Nothing is more wonderful than practical examples so that children can draw valuable lessons for themselves. Parents can organize small games in the family associated with housework for children to maximize all their skills, awareness and attitude towards the surrounding incident.
Poems, stories: Books play an important role in the child's childhood. Stories, poems help children have a richer soul. There are many stories that parents can choose to educate ethics for children. Parents can choose paper books or online stories applications. Especially, Vmonkey application is now considered a great tool for parents in ethical education for children. Specifically, Vmonkey owns many stories, poems, lessons of life in Vietnamese to help children develop language and help children get valuable lessons about morality.
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Note when educating ethics for preschool children
Ethical education is an important job to help children form personality, awareness as well as conditions for comprehensive development. However, in order for children to cooperate as well as help the ethical education for children to be effective, parents need to note the following:
Flexible teaching methods: Flexible choice of educational methods and tools to suit your child's interests, cognitive and personality.
Gentle with children: The lessons are most gently educated for children. Parents should not be forced, scolded or whip because they will make children afraid, forming psychological opposition and not obedient.
Positive for children to experience: Parents should give children a lot of contact with the outside world so that they can gain useful awareness and knowledge.
Do not compare children with friends: Parents should not compare children with you but encourage and encourage when children do well.
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Ethical education for preschool children plays an important role in the maturity of children. Therefore, parents need a serious view of this issue to get the direction of educating children to bring the best effect.
Nguồn: https://timhieulichsuquancaugiay.edu.vn
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