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Flashcard tiếng Anh cho bé theo chủ đề | cách học, tự làm và mua bộ thẻ

Flashcard tiếng Anh cho bé theo chủ đề | cách học, tự làm và mua bộ thẻ

Using English flashcards for children combined with fun games, smart foreign language applications,… is both a foundation to help children learn well and help them develop intelligence. In this article, will share flashcard sets with learning methods to help parents accompany their children effectively.

Why should you use English flashcards for children?

Howard Gardner discovered that our brains all possess one of these eight types of intelligence:

  • Visual-spatial intelligence

  • Linguistic intelligence

  • Logical-mathematical intelligence

  • Physical intelligence

  • Musical intelligence

  • Communicative intelligence

  • Inner intelligence

  • Natural intelligence

Through the above research, we see that in a classroom there are always many different personality groups of children, each child has a different level of ability in each area. Therefore, teaching children the lesson of combining images is necessary because the rate of children having visual thinking intelligence (belonging to visual-spatial intelligence) is very high.

Accordingly, flashcards for learning English for children are designed with bright, colorful images that really have a great impact on the child's brain when studying.

Parents should choose this method of learning English for their children because of the following benefits:

  • English learning cards are a tool to help children learn vocabulary effectively. Children will learn and review new words easily. Images help children remember longer.

  • The card set is easy to buy or you can make it yourself at home

  • Combine learning through many interesting games

  • Especially for children 1-3 years old, this is the golden period for their brain development. Using flashcards with images helps increase connections in your baby's brain, so your baby will easily practice the ability to recognize things through images.

Free download of English flashcards for children in PDF

2-sided photo set:

Download link: Click here

There are many sets of flashcard photos with a variety of favorite topics for children.

Download a set of 2-sided flashcards with a variety of topics. (Photo: Internet Collection)

One-sided photo set:

Download link 1: Click here

Quality English flashcard picture set for children to download. (Photo: Internet Collection)

Download link 2: Click here – provides more than 50 sets of beautiful flashcards for children.

Download 50 sets of English flashcards for children. (Photo: Internet Collection)

Note: Children can also make their own English flashcards.

Why not? If your child especially likes drawing and coloring activities, it would be great if you guide and let them make cards for the purpose of remembering the vocabulary they are learning. During the process of coloring and writing words, children will have more opportunities to interact and remember those words for a long time.

Discover now a set of 2000+ electronic flashcards with attractive moving illustrations to help your child access new words in 30 seconds.

Instructions for making your own English flashcards for children

Making your own cards helps save costs and satisfies the different requirements of each family. This job is quite simple, it does not require you to have artistic talent to make English cards for your child. To get pictures, you can search online and then download the sets of pictures you need for your child to study.

Note that when downloading, adjust all sizes to be the same.

Details how to do:

  • First, think of a topic your child needs to learn

  • Then, search for information about that topic and make a list of selected words. For example, if your topic is fruit, appropriate words to learn in this lesson might be: Mango, grape, watermelon, banana…

  • Each word must have a symbolic image.

  • After you find all the sets of pictures and letters (pronunciation), arrange the pictures and letters for each set. A printable pad is a flashcard with two sides: picture and reading.

  • Note: Select the printed piece to ensure that you cannot see the content of the back side when looking at this side.

Review of English flashcard sets for children that parents should buy

It is not difficult for us to find sets of English flashcards for children in bookstores, English centers, or order online.

Suggested sets of English learning cards for children to buy:

Glenn Doman Flascard English

Product link: Flashcard Teaching Children Using the Glenn Doman Method – English for Children (Reprint) – CD included

English flashcards for children using the Glenn Doman method. (Photo:

  • Flashcards for Teaching Children Using the Glenn Doman Method – English for Children (Reprint) is a set of flashcards to help children become familiar with simple English words. Each flash card has two sides: one side is a colorful image of animals, vegetables, fruits, etc

  • On the back is English vocabulary, the card set uses vivid images, bright colors, vocabulary with Vietnamese transcription and translation to help children easily learn to read and write English vocabulary.

  • In addition, the card set also comes with a VCD to help children learn as entertainment, and more importantly, they can pronounce correctly like a native speaker. In addition, parents can learn and play with their children every day.

Smart learning card set of 416 cards

Product link: Smart Study Card Set – 416 English Flashcards – 16 Latest Topics

The card set is divided into 16 topics as follows:

1. Flowers theme: 25 cards

2. Fruits theme: 25 cards

3. Vegetables and Fruits theme (Vegetables): 25 cards

4. Nutrition topic: 25 cards

5. Animals and Pets: 25 cards

6. Underwater Lives: 25 cards

7. Wild Animals: 25 cards

8. Insects: 25 cards

9. Home Appliances: 25 cards

10. Transportation: 25 cards

11. Colors and Shapes: 25 cards

12. Personal Items: 25 cards

13. Careers (Jobs): 25 cards

14. Contrasting concepts (Opposites): 25 cards

15. World Flags theme: 25 cards

16. Letters and Numbers: 41 cards (Vietnamese names + illustrations)

Flashcard Teaching Children Using the Glenn Doman Method. (Photo:

Set of 42 letters and numbers learning cards

Product link: Set of 42 Learning Cards to Recognize Letters and Numbers for Children

Learning cards recognize letters and numbers. (Photo:

The card set is made from Ivory material with matte lamination, very safe for babies and anti-dazzle

Size of each card: 9×5 cm

Each set includes 42 cards with both letters and numbers for children

Set of 3 sets to stimulate baby's fine sense of vision

Product link: Set of 3 cards to stimulate baby's visual acuity

The product includes 1 zigzag card, 4 double-sided printed sheets and 4 double-sided printed flashcards:

English flashcards for children stimulate visual acuity. (Photo: Internet Collection)


  • [SET 1] START UP
  • [SET 2] SPEED UP


3 zigzag cards, 4 2-sided printed sheets and 12 2-sided printed flashcards. Moms, let's work together with your baby to comprehensively develop your baby's vision! The product is made in Vietnam by the Lalababy brand and is safe for babies!

After preparing a full set of flashcards, parents can apply one or more of the learning methods below to monitor their child's learning effectiveness. Whichever method is suitable, maintain it, and change it occasionally to get more excitement.

English flashcards for children combined with 7 interesting games

With English flashcards as a resource, you can absolutely create countless attractive games for your baby. To create games with flashcards is extremely simple, you don't even need to prepare other supporting items. Here are a few popular English flashcard game ideas for kids.

Crossword jumping game

Crossword jumping game with English flashcards for children. (Photo: Internet Collection)

How to do it: First, arrange the English cards (side with illustrations) on the floor and classroom in a straight line. Each card has a certain distance for the child to jump to.

Requirements: The child will jump step by step to the cards. At each card, he will read the English name of that card. If he reads it correctly, he will score points.

The game is suitable for small or medium scale. If the number of participants increases, we will divide it into teams to compete against each other. If you want to change the way the cards are arranged into different paths, like an obstacle course, that's fine, as long as the kids find it fun.

See more: 5 most effective ways for children to learn English through images

Quick game to find cards

How to do it: You arrange many cards on the floor, there can be 2 children competing against each other. Each time you read out loud a word on any card. The child who quickly finds the correct card will win. When a baby encounters a word that is too difficult, we help him or her by describing the word through sound or action. For example, using animal sounds to describe

Card guessing game

How to do it: Put down any card, then slowly open or lift that card but only let your baby look at it for a few seconds. Children need to have quick eyes and quick minds to guess what the English name of that picture is.

Card passing game

This is one of the simple but effective games. You let the children sit in a circle. Start by taking any card, reading it out loud and giving it to the first child. The child reads it out loud and gives it to the next child, repeating in a circle.

Dice rolling game

How to do it: Prepare a die with numbers from 1 to 6. Arrange 6 cards on the board with numbers next to them or place them in the prescribed order. The child will roll the dice, corresponding to each number that appears, the child must be able to read the English word.

Music circle game

Music circle game with flashcards

How to do it: Have the children sit in a circle. You turn on any fun song, and the kids now pass the card to each other. When the song is playing, you stop suddenly. If the child is holding the card at that time, he or she must read the word.

Game of finding missing cards

How to do it: Choose a few cards and put them next to each other or stick them on the board. The first step is to let your baby observe and remember what the cards are. Begin by asking your baby to close his eyes, then remove a card. The child opens his eyes and guesses which card is missing.

App to learn 1000+ English vocabulary for children combined with flashcards

Along with learning through paper flashcards, parents can also let their children study in combination with electronic flashcard sets and vocabulary games on foreign language learning applications. With an account on Junior, you can let your child learn new words in many forms such as: Flashcards with photos & videos illustrating motion; word games, card swapping,…; Review section with many different quizzes & game options.

More specifically, the illustration content and practice games will be varied every time your child re-learns the lesson. It can be said that this random change will help children learn the same lesson many times without getting bored because they can access the same lesson in many forms.

Parents can download and experience it for FREE to see how quickly their child's vocabulary memory increases every day.

With the above specific methods and games, simple English flashcards for children have become effective teaching tools. Parents, choose a topic, buy or make your own cards and try to learn English with your children using the methods outlined in this article. In the end, the secret to children's success in learning new words is always – repeating what they have learned. That's a prerequisite in learning, don't forget!

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