- Introducing the letter P in the English alphabet
- What is the letter P in English?
- Some vocabulary contains the letter P and its pronunciation
- How to pronounce P in the English alphabet
- How to pronounce the letter P in an English word
- Pronounce the letter P as /p/
- How to pronounce P in words with PH: PH = /f/
- How to pronounce P in words with PT/PS – Silent P
- P pronunciation error and effective ways to fix it
- Practice listening to the pronunciation of the letter P many times
- Practice reading words containing the P sound
- Check your pronunciation with smart tools
- Exercises on how to pronounce the P sound in English
- Lesson 1: Listen and read again
- Exercise 2: Read the following sentences
- Lesson 3: Arrange the words into the correct group
- Answers to exercises on how to pronounce the letter P in English
In this English pronunciation lesson, timhieulichsuquancaugiay.edu.vn will guide you how to pronounce P in English correctly and perfectly. At the same time, you will also learn how to read the letters PH, PT and PS in 1 word in the article below!
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Introducing the letter P in the English alphabet
The letter P in the English alphabet is the 16th letter and the 12th consonant, coming after the letter N. The letter P in English also has two forms: uppercase and lowercase:
Bạn đang xem: [English Pronunciation] Cách phát âm P trong tiếng Anh chuẩn
What is the letter P in English?
In English, the letter P can be a type of word or an abbreviation of some common words. Specifically:
P stands for “penny” or “pence” – Noun referring to the smallest unit of money in England, including 100 dollars in a British pound, or a small coin of equivalent value.
The letter P written as (p.) or (pp.) stands for “page” – A noun that refers to a page in a book, newspaper, magazine,… with a number printed on it.
Some vocabulary contains the letter P and its pronunciation
How to pronounce the letter P depends on each case. Below are some vocabulary containing the P sound and its pronunciation in that word:
Transliterate words
Transliteration of the letter “P”
Vietnamese meaning
pay. pay
put, let
part. part
help. help
stop. stop
people. people
puppy. puppy
phone. phone
flying animals
How to pronounce P in the English alphabet
When P is an independent letter in the alphabet, the letter P is pronounced /piː/.
How to pronounce the letter P:
Xem thêm : Bí quyết giúp bé học giỏi toán lớp 4 hai đường thẳng song song UK: /piː/
US: /piː/
How to pronounce the letter P in an English word
There is one way to pronounce P when P is in a word: /p/. In addition, the letter P also changes pronunciation when it is accompanied by another consonant.
Pronounce the letter P as /p/
/p/ is a voiceless consonant in the IPA phonetic table. Most words that start with the letter P, end with P, or wherever the letter P appears are pronounced /p/.
Note: Words with 2 consecutive or disjointed “P” letters have the same pronunciation as words with 1 P and are pronounced /p/.
How to read /p/ sound:
Step 1: Gently touch your lips together.
Step 2: Gently push the air from inside through your mouth and gently make the /p/ sound. Check by placing your hand in front of your mouth. If you feel a cool feeling, you have read it correctly.
Examples of words starting with the letter P:
put /pʊt/: put, let, push
part /pɑːt/: part
pause /pɔːz/: pause
place /pleɪs/: location
Examples of words ending with the letter P:
help /help/: help
stop /stɒp/: stop, stop
shop /ʃɒp/: shop
hope /həʊp/: hope
Examples of words with 2 or more P letters:
people /ˈpiː.pəl/: people
puppy /ˈpʌp.i/: puppy
pop /pɒp/: pop music
pepper /ˈpep.ər/: pepper
appear /əˈpɪər/: appear
How to pronounce P in words with PH: PH = /f/
In a word, when the letters P and H come together, “PH” is pronounced /f/ – F sound.
How to read /f/ sound:
For example:
phone /fəʊn/: phone
phonics /ˈfɒn.ɪks/: phonetics
physics /ˈfɪz.ɪks/: physics
How to pronounce P in words with PT/PS – Silent P
When P goes with T or S in a word, the letter P is silent – Silent P.
For example:
pterodactyl /ˌter.əˈdæk.tɪl/: animal that can fly
psychology /saɪˈkɑːlədʒi/: psychology
psychic /ˈsaɪ.kɪk/: spiritual
psychiatrist /saɪˈkaɪə.trɪst/: psychiatrist
P pronunciation error and effective ways to fix it
In the /p/ pronunciation, you often confuse it with the /b/ pronunciation. Specifically, /p/ is a voiceless consonant and /b/ is a voiced consonant. When you read these two sounds separately, you will see a difference in the throat vibration, the /p/ sound will be empty and the /b/ sound will vibrate slightly.
Compare the pronunciations /p/ and /b/ below:
To pronounce the letter P in English correctly, you can apply the following tips:
Practice listening to the pronunciation of the letter P many times
Each English letter in a word can be transcribed and read differently. You need to practice listening and reading the /p/ sound many times to get used to the reflex of distinguishing the P sound when listening without seeing the word.
Practice reading words containing the P sound
For words with the P sound read as /p/, you should practice reading in the following way:
Practice pronouncing /p/ and feel the difference in mouth opening and the sound of the letter P.
Read short words containing P sounds.
Practice pronouncing words and phrases containing the letter P in parallel.
Practice reading with sample sentences containing words and phrases containing the letter P.
Similar to the pronunciation of the phrases PH, PT, PS, you also start practicing with single words and then move on to phrases and long sentences.
Check your pronunciation with smart tools
Based on the mouth simulation image, you can observe your pronunciation relatively. However, to make sure your reading is completely accurate, you'll need to use an online checker on your phone or computer.
Check your pronunciation now with timhieulichsuquancaugiay.edu.vn's M-Speak tool here:
Exercises on how to pronounce the P sound in English
Below are exercises on how to pronounce P in English. Let's practice listening and reading with timhieulichsuquancaugiay.edu.vn!
Lesson 1: Listen and read again
pay. pay
peel. peel
elephant. elephant
rope. rope
supper. supper
pepper. pepper
Exercise 2: Read the following sentences
Patty polished the parlor.
Paula paid Polly a penny for a piece of peach.
I pressed pause and put the part in place.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
Porter presented the diplomas to the pupils.
The dipper tipped and the syrup dripped upon her.
Parsnips, peppers, potatoes, and turnips were piled on the push-cart.
Lesson 3: Arrange the words into the correct group
For the word list: pay, supper, peel, psychology, leap, elephant, rope, physics, pupil, puppy, psychiatrist, dipper, powder, psephology, help, alphabet.
P = /p/
Silent P
P = /f/
Answers to exercises on how to pronounce the letter P in English
Lesson 1 + 2: Practice listening and reading
Lesson 3:
P = /p/
Silent P
P = /f/
pay, supper, peel, pupil, puppy, dipper, power, help
psychology, psychiatrist, psephology
physics, elephant, alphabet
Thus, there is only one way to pronounce P: /p/. In addition, the letter P can also be read as /f/ or as a silent sound when it is combined with other letters in a word. To avoid confusion between reading methods, you should listen and read many times and combine testing with timhieulichsuquancaugiay.edu.vn's free M-Speak tool here:
Don't forget to follow the Learn English Blog to update more lessons on English pronunciation and many other grammar knowledge!
Nguồn: https://timhieulichsuquancaugiay.edu.vn
Danh mục: Giáo dục
- Introducing the letter P in the English alphabet
- What is the letter P in English?
- Some vocabulary contains the letter P and its pronunciation
- How to pronounce P in the English alphabet
- How to pronounce the letter P in an English word
- Pronounce the letter P as /p/
- How to pronounce P in words with PH: PH = /f/
- How to pronounce P in words with PT/PS – Silent P
- P pronunciation error and effective ways to fix it
- Practice listening to the pronunciation of the letter P many times
- Practice reading words containing the P sound
- Check your pronunciation with smart tools
- Exercises on how to pronounce the P sound in English
- Lesson 1: Listen and read again
- Exercise 2: Read the following sentences
- Lesson 3: Arrange the words into the correct group
- Answers to exercises on how to pronounce the letter P in English
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