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Dạy bé 1 tháng tuổi những gì? Cẩm nang dạy bé 1 tháng tuổi từ A-Z

Dạy bé 1 tháng tuổi những gì? Cẩm nang dạy bé 1 tháng tuổi từ A-Z

More and more families have focused on raising children from an early age, even from the time they are 1 month of age so that children can develop comprehensively both physically and intellectually. So what is 1 month old? How to teach science and effectiveness? Let go find the answer right here!

Characteristics of 1 -month -old child development?

To know exactly what should teach children 1 month old, mothers should grasp the basic development characteristics of their children at this stage. Specifically:

Physiological characteristics

Children from birth until 1 month old are still very immature. This is the first stage of life when the child has just been out of the mother's womb and starts to get acquainted, adapting to the external environment. Right from its inception, the child began to cry and breathe with his own lungs. Then learn how to breastfeed and the digestive system, the kidneys of the child also go into operation, regulating the environment in the body.

At this stage, children are still not really complete in both structure and function of the agencies. At the same time, the child's nervous system is still inhibited. That is why we see children almost sleep throughout the day.

Besides, children 1 month old may also appear a number of other physiological phenomena such as:

  • Physiological jaundice (after birth from 3-4 days and after 10-14 days).

  • Navel (after birth from 7 to 10 days).

  • Physiological red skin.

  • Physiological football.

  • Physiological weight loss (out of birth about 7-10 days).

  • Reduce physiological height.

  • Going out of the rubber.

  • Increasing physiological muscle tone (out of birth about 2.5 months).

  • Unstable body temperature.

1 -month -old children have fallen in the umbilical cord and sleep quite a lot. (Photo: Internet collection)

Pathological characteristics

Children will also be more susceptible to the disease at this stage and if not detected in time, properly caring for the disease can lead to death. In addition, children may also get sick due to disorders of formation and development, …

Physical development characteristics

Parents can feel the physical development of children 1 month old through the factors:

  • Weight: Usually babies will weigh from 2.8 – 3kg. On average, each month the child donates about 700g in the first 6 months.

  • Height: The average height of the child after birth is 48 – 50cm. And the height can increase by 3.5cm within the first 3 months, which increases more than 1cm each month.

  • First round: about 34cm for infants.

  • Breast: about 32cm.

  • The fontanel: Average, the size of each previous fontana is 2cm. This size will be greater if the child has a premature birth. The back of a child has a triangle and postpartum will usually be closed immediately.

Characteristics of children's intellectual development and movement

For babies, after birth about 1 month most time children sleep, can sleep from 22 – 23 hours/day. While sleeping may sometimes we see children laughing. This is also considered a language of children. Besides, at this time, all 5 senses of children have begun to operate and are gradually developing. Specifically:

  • Children can hear the noise or voice of everyone.

  • Children like to drink milk and sweets instead of bitter medicine.

  • Children can recognize the smell of breast milk and find breast breasts when breastfeeding.

  • When painful children may appear reaction like crying.

  • Children can look at their mothers or light into the vision.

1 year old children can only breastfeed. (Photo: Internet collection)

During the first 1 month of life, children's movements were spontaneous, not conscious, so they appeared quite suddenly. The movements also have no intention or coordination. In particular, the common natural reflexes in children are:

  • Reflection of swallowing, sucking.

  • Reflexes (directed at the mouth of the mother when the mother touched the breast).

  • Robinson reflexes (automatically clenched their hands when an object touched the child's hand).

  • Moro reflexes (children are startled, use both hands to embrace the body when hearing loud noise or when patting the bedside of the young bed).

What are the benefits for early education for children 1 month old?

The reason parents are getting more and more focused on teaching children 1 month old because they have realized the benefits that this job brings. That is:

  • Children are smarter: Children are educated early scientifically, properly can make children learn a lot of skills and stimulate the development of the brain, thereby helping children smarter and more flexible.

  • Developing social skills later: Although children 1 month of age do not have their own consciousness, teaching children early will cause children to form a habit and record in subconscious skills taught. Later when growing up, these skills are automatically applied.

  • Stabilizing personality: Early education for children 1 month old can also help train the ability to focus and attention of children. Stimulating the brain, enhancing the ability to memorize, develop natural qualities and curb the child's temper.

Teaching children early from 1 month of age has many benefits. (Photo: Internet collection)

Parents should teach children 1 month old?

So parents should teach children 1 month old? How to teach to bring the best effect? This is not all parents know, especially young parents, not much experience. Teaching children 1 month early is not easy. Parents need to patiently teach their children about:


Although at this stage, children still sleep quite a lot, parents can still start practicing visual. In the ways to teach children 1 month old, teaching children to develop visual is the most effective. The teaching method is also quite simple, if you need to hang, paste around the bed, the children are simple so that when they are awake, they can see it.

Or note that when you see your child just opened your eyes, immediately look at the child so that the child gradually memorizes his parents' face. Or can also stick your tongue to attract the attention of the child, show the baby two relatively similar photos, just a few small details and set photos of children about 20-30 cm away from the child.

This approach can help children train their ability to focus and become familiar with more colors and images, gradually enhance the child's ability to remember. At the same time, this way can also create a foundation for later learning and identification.


If parents do not know what to teach children 1 month old to develop hearing, it is best to spend more time talking to their children. Even just silly words, whispering is okay. Or parents can also sing to children, before doing anything to notify children, show children the things around them such as cabinets, books, televisions, …

Mom should often talk to you. (Photo: Internet collection)

While bathing, changing diapers for children, can also hold hands, children's feet and say “This is the hand and hand. This is the feet, feet ”… even if it is soft on the young toes to create laughter. A few light songs or lullaby of the mother are also very useful to the child.

If you persevere in doing so as soon as your child is 1 month older, the child will recognize and respond better with sounds, distinguishing many different types of sounds.


In fact, babies up to 1 month old can not eat anything but breast milk because the internal organs are quite weak. However, parents can still start developing their children by teaching children 1 month of science. It is for children to “collide” gently with the taste. Specifically, you can use a clean towel of the child to absorb a little warm water and gently dab on the lips or tip of the child. Then change to cool water, water with fruit …

Let children familiar with many flavors will help stimulate the taste buds of children, making children distinguish different flavors early. Later, older children and weaning will also be easier.


Right from the age of 1 month old, parents can practice smells for children by letting children have the opportunity to interact with many different scents. Gradually the child's sense of smell will grow and become more sensitive.

In order to train the smell for children, parents can let children smell the scent of fruits, confectionery, food or flowers in the early morning, …


If you want to develop tactile, you should teach your child 1 month old? Start the first lesson that is breastfeeding. If you pay close attention, you can see that your first sucking is quite difficult and hard, it takes a lot of time to find the right breast position. Even mothers must support children. However, from the next time, children will find a faster and easier breastfeeding position, more mature without the help from the mother anymore.

There are many ways for mothers to develop tactile for children. (Photo:

And to increase tactile ability for children, breastfeeding mothers can put ti on many different positions on the baby's face, for example, 2 cheeks, left jaw, right, nose, forehead, chin. When children do not breastfeed, they can use towels and fingers to touch different positions on the child's body so that they can feel and react. Put your hand or something in the palm of your child so that children can learn how to grasp. Gradually, children will become more sensitive and have more reactions, the reaction speed will also be faster.

See also:

Tools to support parents teach children 1 month old

In the process of early education for children 1 month old, parents may need to use the teaching tools – toys or apps (applications) of early education. Specifically: Vietnam's learning applications Vietnam is a brand with learning applications with more than 10 million users from 108 countries and territories around the world. Some applications parents can refer to the baby to get acquainted soon:'s learning applications. (Photo:

  • Junior: is an English learning application for children who are new to 0 – 10 years old. The lessons in the application are built on early educational methods for children, which have been recognized by children's educational organizations, beneficial to the development of children, including children 1 month. year old. The polygonal method of Dr. Robert Titzer (USA) helps stimulate all the senses of children, bringing many benefits to children this period.
  • Stories: Despite being an application for children from 2-10 years old, parents can completely get used to English early through 1,000+ stories, 300+ books in the app. These are great sources for you to “take a bath in English” early.
  • Vmonkey: is a Vietnamese learning application for children with preschool and elementary age, but parents can take advantage of folk fairy tales, poems, lessons of life in the app to turn on when playing, games Story with me.

Teachers – Early educational toys

The tools – toys are often used by parents to teach babies 1 month old:

  • Colors, landscapes, characters, … to paste on walls for children.

  • The alphabet with large font size, color.

  • CD, music player.

  • The toys of natural origin, ensuring safety for children.

Note “gold” for parents when early education for children 1 month old

In the process of early education for children 1 month old, there are a few important “gold” notes later that parents should remember:

  • Before teaching children should exchange and agree with their families about teaching methods to avoid conflicts.

  • Patient when taking measures to teach children 1 month old.

  • Do not set a great goal to avoid accidentally putting pressure on both yourself and children.

  • Always pay attention to observing children's reactions in the process of teaching children.

  • Make sure the tools to support teaching children are safe and not harmful to children.

So has answered the question of what is 1 month old. With the above sharing, it is expected that it can help parents who are about to have or have 1 -month -old children to grasp the method of raising children with scientific and effective children.

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