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Chương trình môn toán tiểu học mới có gì đặc biệt?

Chương trình môn toán tiểu học mới có gì đặc biệt?

The new elementary math program is aiming for the development of their capacity and quality than the traditional math program.

To help children learn math more effectively, parents should also learn about this new elementary math program to get the most suitable support method.

What is the special new elementary math program?

According to Circular 32/2018/TT – BGDĐT dated December 26, 2018 of the Ministry of Education and Training, there will be many adjustments in teaching and learning math for elementary students.

Specifically, according to the new pre -primary math program, Math is considered to be a compulsory and important subject. The content will be divided into 2 stages as follows:

Basic education phase: Children will be able to grasp mathematical knowledge more systematically from the concept, principle, formula needed for them to master the foundation, thereby being applicable in practice.

The orientation education phase: Helps children have a better overview of mathematics, helping them understand the role and applicability in practice, related industries for children to have career orientation later. As well as helping children develop quality and ability to learn and solve math problems in learning and life.

Along with that, the content on books will be more streamlined and the lesson will focus more on applicability in practice more. At the same time, the content of mathematics of elementary school children will be integrated around 3 basic knowledge circuits: numbers and algebra; Geometry and measurement; Statistics and probability.

Combined with books on books, depending on each math program in classes will spend more time for children to participate in the experience of more activities such as: Mathematics, projects Application of math in practice, organizing mathematical clubs, organizing math games, participating in the Mathematics competition, releasing walls, exchanges between mathematical lovers ….

Therefore, the successful application of this new elementary math program will support and enhance knowledge about mathematics, improve creative thinking capacity, along with the skills of applying knowledge into practice better.

Compare new elementary math program with tradition

Traditional teaching Teaching development
Teaching goals

  • Teaching elementary mathematics for children will focus on equipping knowledge in textbooks mainly. Babies absorb one way, passive.
  • Teaching maths does not detail each knowledge and general description.
  • Focus on scores and academic achievements.

  • Focusing on the formation of competencies, qualities and more learning skills and practice for children more.
  • In addition to equipping knowledge, teaching math development capacity will also aim for the attitude, skills and capacity of the baby based on observation and practice to assess the child's progress.
  • In addition to achieving good results in learning also helps children form the ability to solve problems themselves in practice.

Teaching content

  • Primary math types that children learn mainly based on textbook content, less practical, not associated with reality. Pay attention to transmitting knowledge according to the prescribed subject.
  • The content of Math teaching is designed in the form of a straight line, the order of knowledge according to the textbooks shared for students.
  • Children with knowledge but not able to apply in practice much.

  • The content follows the curriculum to develop the capacity of new elementary math. Help your baby practice more, associated with reality, apply calculations in life. The content has open crystal, update new knowledge.
  • Primary math content is designed according to the level and capacity of the children.
  • Students easily grasp knowledge and easily apply them in practice.

Teaching method

  • The process of teaching for children, teachers and teachers are the center. The children acquire passive, limiting their ability to think and create.
  • Teaching math for children is quite traditional such as presentation, illustration, explanation, homework on books …

  • Teachers and parents are the ones who guide and support their children to learn math. And the children are the center and the children themselves will study, search, analyze and think to solve their problems.
  • Focusing on the method of developing calculation capacity for students through experience, practice, self -study ….

Teaching form Mainly teaching in class, home will do homework. Diverse forms from experience, practice, research, extracurricular, activity, game, technology application in teaching … ..

Home teaching method for children under the new Primary Math program effectively

After grasping changes in the new elementary math program. In addition to sending children to school, parents should also know this new education program to be able to offer home math teaching methods for children to be active and compatible.

So, here are some methods to teach children to learn math at home under the new education program so that parents can refer and apply:

Teaching maths for children based on organizations activities

The organization of children participating in learning activities in general, mathematics in particular will help their children's learning to become self -proactive, proactive and achieve higher results.

Let my children participate in more dynamic and experience with math more. (Photo: Dan Tri)

Because through activities, it will contribute to helping children to memorize knowledge better, develop a lot of capacity from thinking, calculation, creativity, communication, cohesion, … in accordance with the criteria that The GDPT program is aiming for. With this method of teaching mathematics, parents can completely participate in competitions by the school or online math competition.

Besides, parents and children can participate in math clubs, activities on studying mathematics, meeting characters with good results in math, for children to participate or See programs on direct math exam instead of watching online ….

Teaching maths for children through interaction and cooperation

If learning traditional math, your baby will learn passively. But according to the goal of the new education program, the two -way interaction will focus on.

Instruct children to learn mathematics know how to interact with two -way. (Photo: Internet collection)

Specifically, between learning between teachers – students, parents – children will have questions, response and debate. This will help develop exchanges, cooperation and sociable. At the same time, through this mathematical tip will help your baby brave, more confident when presenting their opinions, as well as parents can listen, guide children to learn and motivate their children to think, analyze and Expand the problem.

Sometimes, parents should also give timely, accurate and at the right time so that they can acquire knowledge quickly. In addition, sometimes you should also give a wrong problem to see if your baby has discovered to argue and criticize. To avoid passive learning in one direction is not good.

In order for the interaction between parents and children when teaching and learning, you should understand the strengths and weaknesses of your child to create conditions to help your child develop comprehensively, uniformly avoid the situation from criticism to become a picture. argue. In particular, in the process of teaching children to learn math, parents should act as a teacher, aunt and a friend to be able to accompany their children to study better.

Learn more interactive maths rather than controversy. (Photo: Internet collection)

Teaching under the program of new elementary mathematics helps self -study more

Self -study is one of the best ways to develop your own ability. Therefore, parents should train their children to take the initiative, self -study more not only at elementary school but also higher levels and in life are also essential. Specifically, in teaching mathematics for children, parents can set a problem and let them take the initiative in gathering information, discovering themselves to solve that problem.

Instead of memorizing, learning parrots, the baby will grasp the knowledge that they learn more. In case your baby cannot find the answer, you can suggest a way to find information, which is the key for your baby to explore information as well as help him develop analytical and thinking capacity.

Guide your child to study actively. (Photo: Traffic Newspaper)

Teach your child to learn math combined with the appropriate evaluation and adjustment

In teaching the new elementary math program in the direction of developing capacity, teaching and evaluating the learning capacity of each child always goes in parallel with each other. In addition to assessing their children's ability to learn through the score at the school, parents also take the time to see how the child solves a problem, asking what they can learn more new? Is there difficult or convenient? …

The fact that you assess your baby's learning ability will help adjust the learning method that is more suitable for the baby. At the same time, increase the affection of parents' relationship with children.

Learning math combined with assessing your baby's ability to learn. (Photo: giadinhmoi)

Instruct children to learn math more in practice

The goal of the new elementary math program is the direction for children to apply mathematical knowledge to life more. Therefore, in addition to letting children learn and do homework on textbooks too much. Parents can raise problems related to real life also related to calculation to help children realize the actual value of learning.

For example, parents can go to the market, participate in games related to calculations, or problems that are happening in the family, local, … so they will feel interested in learning mathematics much more, but also helps children remember knowledge longer.

Let your child learn math to apply more in practice. (Photo: Sense)

Learn more: How are elementary students in mathematics? Methods to help children learn math to achieve better results Math – Application of English math learning under the new education program

In case parents do not have much time, or have enough knowledge to be able to guide their children to learn math in the direction of developing new capacity, can immediately refer to Math. Math is a math learning application combined with English. (Photo:

This is one of the leading mathematical applications in English in Vietnam, with the content of construction according to the Common Core State Standards of American standards for children from 3 to 8 years old. Along with that, the mathematical program will follow Vietnam's new education program so that they can master the mathematical platform & support class in class more effectively.

Specifically, at Math will provide more than 400 interesting math lessons, more than 10,000 interactive activities, along with more than 60 math themes follow the new education program for preschool and elementary children … The lesson is built according to easy to difficult level, from basic to advanced so that they can study in accordance with their learning capacity.

In addition, before each lesson, the baby will be able to watch the video lecture video, in order to help them master their knowledge in an intuitive way, memorize knowledge longer, acquire simpler and more effective knowledge. Not only to provide passive mathematical knowledge for children. With Math will help children understand the nature of math, not merely memorizing numbers.

Instead, with more than 10,000 interactive activities built at Math, children can fully apply knowledge to solve many problems such as watches, fruit counting, logical analysis, comparison, …

Not to mention, the content of mathematics in English will help children develop synchronous thinking & language to help their children learn math and English more effectively that many parents have not done.

With these outstanding features, giving children math with Math is the perfect solution to help children develop thinking & intelligence in the golden stage of brain development, as well as improving learning capacity. Better math that parents should refer.

To download Math parents can access


Above is a summary of the knowledge to help people better understand the new elementary math program. Hopefully, with the sharing that provides, parents can completely offer a method to help children like to learn math more and develop math capacity for children to be more complete.

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