- Bust – Meaning and usage
- How to pronounce Bust
- Meaning of the word Bust
- Meaning of Bust + preposition
- V1, V2, V3 of Bust in the table of irregular verbs
- How to conjugate the verb Bust according to forms
- How to conjugate the verb Bust in 13 English tenses
- How to conjugate the verb Bust in a special sentence structure
What is the correct way to conjugate the verb Bust? Which method helps you remember effective conjugations and limit confusion between tenses and sentence patterns? Join timhieulichsuquancaugiay.edu.vn to learn the steps to conjugate correct verbs in today's article!
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Bust – Meaning and usage
In the first part, timhieulichsuquancaugiay.edu.vn will show you how to correctly pronounce the verb Bust in many forms. Besides, the meaning and usage will also be shared in detail to help you understand the context of using the appropriate word in a sentence.
Bạn đang xem: Cách chia động từ Bust trong tiếng anh
How to pronounce Bust
As a verb, Bust has an infinitive and tense forms. Corresponding to each form, they have different pronunciations. Below is a detailed transcription table compiled from the Oxford dictionary.
Pronunciation of Bust in infinitive form
English – English: /bʌst/
English – American: /bʌst/
Pronunciation of verb forms of “Bust”
Verb form
How to divide
Anh – Anh
English – American
Currently with
I/ we/ you/ they
Currently with
He/ she/ it
Simple past
Busted/ Busted
/bʌst/ – /ˈbʌstɪd/
/bʌst/ – /ˈbʌstɪd/
Xem thêm : Giải bài tập đọc: Dế mèn bênh vực kẻ yếu tiếng Việt lớp 4 tập 1 trang 5 Participle II
Busted/ Busted
/bʌst/ – /ˈbʌstɪd/
/bʌst/ – /ˈbʌstɪd/
Meaning of the word Bust
Below is the detailed meaning of the verb Bust with illustrative examples. Students can add synonyms and antonyms of Bust or other vocabulary in timhieulichsuquancaugiay.edu.vn Junior.
1. bust something: to break, to break
Ex: I busted my camera.
(I broke the camera.)
The lights are busted.
(The light bulbs were broken.)
Come out, or I'll bust the door down!
(Get out, otherwise I'll break down the door!)
2. bust sb/sth (for sth): to rush in and arrest
Ex: He's been busted for drugs.
(He was arrested for drugs.)
He was busted for drunk driving.
(He was arrested for drunk driving.)
The cops busted the place frequently.
(Police often come in and arrest this place.)
3. bust sb: downgrade in job level, downgrade in job rank.
Ex: He was busted from sergeant to private.
(He was demoted from sergeant to private.)
Meaning of Bust + preposition
1. to bust up: to separate, to break up (friends, relatives)
Ex: They bust up after five years of marriage.
(They broke up after 5 years of marriage.)
2. break (relationship, meeting,…)
Ex: It was his drinking that busted up his marriage.
(It was his drinking that broke up his marriage.)
V1, V2, V3 of Bust in the table of irregular verbs
Bust is an irregular verb. Below are 3 forms of Bust corresponding to the 3 columns in the table:
V1 by Bust
(Infinitive – infinitive verb)
V2 of Bust
(Simple past – past verb)
V3 by Bust
(Past participle – past participle – Participle II)
Busted/ Busted
Busted/ Busted
How to conjugate the verb Bust according to forms
A sentence can contain many verbs, so only the verb following the subject is divided according to tense, the remaining adverbs are divided according to form. For clause sentences or without subjects, the default verb conjugates according to form.
How to divide
For example
Infinitives with “to”
Big bust
The police need to bust him for drugs.
(The police need to arrest him for drugs.)
Come out, or I'll bust the door down!
(Get out, otherwise I'll break down the door!)
Busting thieves is the duty of the police.
(Arresting thieves is the duty of the police.)
Past Participle
Xem thêm : Giải bài tập đọc: Dế mèn bênh vực kẻ yếu tiếng Việt lớp 4 tập 1 trang 5 Participle II
Busted/ Busted
I busted my camera.
(I broke the camera.)
Through the table above, you have grasped the forms of the verb Bust. To establish tense conjugations and sentence patterns, you need to combine these forms into the corresponding sentence structure of the basic tenses. Details on how to divide are shared in the next section.
How to conjugate the verb Bust in 13 English tenses
In this part, timhieulichsuquancaugiay.edu.vn will guide you how to conjugate the verb Bust in 13 common English tenses. You need to combine verb forms and sentence structures in tenses to form correct conjugations. Below is a detailed breakdown:
HT: present tense
QK: past tense
TL: future tense
HTTD: complete continuous
Note: If in a sentence there is only one verb “Bust” immediately after the subject, we conjugate this verb according to that subject.
How to conjugate the verb Bust in a special sentence structure
In some common sentence patterns, dividing Bust by tense and form is also applied to ensure the grammar and meaning of the sentence.
Through this article, you have learned how to conjugate the verb Bust in English tenses and some common structures. Review and practice exercises regularly to remember knowledge!
Wishing you good studies!
Nguồn: https://timhieulichsuquancaugiay.edu.vn
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