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Các dạng bài tập toán lớp 3 học kỳ 1 và 2 bé muốn học tốt cần nắm vững

Các dạng bài tập toán lớp 3 học kỳ 1 và 2 bé muốn học tốt cần nắm vững

The type of 3rd grade math exercises under the new education program has many changes, so to help children learn better in this new semester. Therefore, the following article content of will help children understand that knowledge to support learning, examinations and applications to life more effectively.

New 3rd grade mathematical changes

In the objectives of the new general education program with the Primary Mathematics in general and 3rd grade Math in particular, new knowledge training programs will streamline compared to the current program. At the same time, the Ministry of Education also determines that mathematics will focus on practical application, which is associated with real life as well as other subjects.

Accordingly, mathematics will be associated with the development trend of economy, science, society and global urgent issues. And the program of Math will integrate around 3 knowledge circuits are numbers and algebra, geometry and measurement, statistics and probability.

Types of basic 3rd grade math exercises to improve according to the new education

In order to help the children can study well in 3rd grade mathematics, parents should also spend time with their children to learn the basic types of math exercises to advanced 3rd grade math according to the following new program:

Synthesis of 3rd grade mathematics with semester 1 answers

During the first term, the types of exercises are implemented according to the education program, including:

– Solving the problem with words

In this form of exercise, there will be 2 parts of knowledge taught: solving more problems, less and solving the problem “Fold up a number of times” or “reducing a number of times” more, less. Accordingly, children need to find the value of the unknown quantity equal to the calculations and calculate the total value of the two quantities.

Solving the problem with words. (Photo: Internet collection)

For example, there are 3 candies tomorrow, Hoa has 3 times more candy. How many candies how many candies have?

→ Answer: Because Hoa's candy is 3 times more than Mai, Hoa has 3 x 3 = 9 (candy).

– Quantity

In the forms of 3rd grade math exercises, the quantity exercises with the unit of the unit measuring the length and the unit measurement are very important. Specifically, the unit of measurement unit is KM – HM – Dam – M – DM – CM – MM. And the unit of mass measurement is kg – gram.

For example: 5km how many m?

→ Answer: 5km equal to 5 x 1000 = 5,000 (m)

– Geometry

For geometry, in the basic problems of grade 3, semester 1, children will have to recognize perpendicular angle, non -square angle, calculate the circumference of the rectangle = Total 2 times of width and length, calculation of square shape = 4 times the length of 1 sides.

For example, the square has a 5 cm sides. Calculate the circumference of the square.

→ Answer: The square circumference is 5 x 4 = 20 (cm)

– Calculate the value of the expression

When calculating the value of the expression, instructions for solving this 3rd grade math type, children need to pay attention to the following issues:

  • When the expression only has addition, deduction or only multiplication, division, do left to right.
  • In the expression, there are also addition, deduction, multiplication, division, the division, the division is done first before coming to the addition and subtraction.
  • And the expression has parentheses, the previous bracket.

Example: Calculate the value of the following expression:

3 + 5 x 6 – 7 + (3 x 4)

→ Answer: 3 + 5 x 6 – 7 + (3 x 4) = 3 + 5 x 6 – 7 + 12 = 3 + 30 – 7 + 12 = 38 because in the previous parentheses, then calculate the first multiplication.

– Addition – subtraction

In the forms of 3rd grade math exercises and subtracts will be applied to 3 -digit numbers that remember and not remember. And accordingly, when calculated, children need to put the digits straight together.

For calculus not remember, do from right to left. As for the memory, write the unit of the results and remember to take dozens. Then add the number to remember dozens and calculate as usual.

Math form of calculation. (Photo: Internet collection)

For example: 767 + 689 =?

→ Answer:


+ 689



– Multiplication

In the knowledge of the 3rd grade, the baby will multiply the number of two digits or three digits with a 1 -digit number. The way to do it with multiplication does not remember is to do it from right to left. And in the calculation, remember, you will add the memory part to the calculation in front of the memory.

For example: 678 x 5 =?

→ Answer:


x 5



– Division

For division, 3rd grade knowledge will focus on dividing 2 -digit numbers with 1 -digit number. And the steps are set to calculate and divide each number of the first number by the second number. If the division has a balance of 0, then the balance is out, and if the number of other zero is a division with excess.

Example: 22: 5 =?

→ Answer: 22/5 = 4 residual 2 → Division with excess.

Types of 3rd grade math exercises for Semester 2

For 3rd grade 2 math program, there will be the following types of exercises:

Types of Mathematics Mathematics 2nd grade 3. (Photo: Internet Collectibles)

– Read and compare numbers within 100,000

When reading numbers within 100,000, the most attention is the number 0, number 1, number 4, number 5. If the number 0, number 1, number 4, number 5 ends at the end Reading is “fifty”, “fashion”, “private” and “five” also appear in other positions, then read “no”, “one”, “four” and “five”.

For example:

  • 2650 Reading is two thousand six hundred and fifty
  • 4321 Reading is four thousand three hundred twenty -one
  • 764 Reading is seven hundred sixty -four
  • 8765 read as eight thousand seven hundred sixty five
  • 3098 Reading is three thousand no hundred and nine eight.
  • 5189 read as five thousand one hundred eight nine
  • 745 Reading is seven hundred forty -five
  • 758 read is seven hundred and fifty -eight.

As for comparative exercises, the children will compare each line of 2 numbers from the largest.

– Addition, minus numbers within 100,000

For type 3 math exercises within 100,000 similar to addition, except 3 -digit numbers. The rule of calculation is still ordered along the line and then done from right to left. The calculation is remembered to add or subtract the memory number in the next row.

For example: 76985 + 8957 =?

→ Answer:


+ 8957



– multiply, divide with 4 or 5 digits with 1 -digit number

And with 4 or 5 -digit division with a 1 -digit number, it is similar to the multiplication, dividing a 3 -digit number with a 1 -digit number. The children still follow the rule:

For multiplication, place the second line of the second number will be in line with the unit of the first digit. Next, the children will multiply from right to left. For the multiplication, the memory will be added to the next row. As for the division, the children will divide the first number by the second number and do it from left to right and must start from the largest.

Grade 3 math with multiplication, dividing 4 - 5 digits. (Photo: Internet collection)

Example: 76890 x 7 =?


x 7



– Find x (unknown part) in calculation

In the problem of finding unknown ingredients in the calculation, the children will find x. In this form of 3 -grade math exercise to find x advanced, you need to remember the following formula:

  • In addition, the term + term = sum should find the term to know the sum – the known term.
  • In magic, the number of deducted – minus number = should find the number of deductors to be taken + minus number. If you want to find the minus number, take the deductible number – difference.
  • In the multiplication, the excess of X factor = the product should find the factor, then take the product: the excess known.
  • In the division, the number of divisions: the division number = injury should find the number of divisions, then take the number x the division and want to find the divisor, then take the divided number: love.

Example: Find x know x + 4567 = 8765

→ Answer: x = 8765 – 4567 = 4198

See also: Studying 2nd grade maths with memory to help your baby calculate quickly and accurately

Some methods of learning and doing 3rd grade math exercises effectively

When learning about the 3rd grade math exercises, parents should learn more methods to help children learn and do exercises effectively. The traditional merchants that children need to equip in the mathematical process are:

Improve the efficiency of making 3rd grade math exercises with Math

Another effective 3rd grade math method that many parents now apply to children are the use of the No. 1 mathematical learning application for preschool and elementary school children – Math. Math's products apply modern methods to help children absorb knowledge very quickly. That is:

  • Teaching methods to actively stimulate creativity from youth
  • Learn math through games
  • Study with workbook supplementary exercises

Let your child learn math with Math (Photo source:

The 3rd grade math exercises of Math offers 60 new mathematical themes with more than 10,000 interactive activities and 400 interesting videos. So you can learn math very quickly and easily. As well as making math lessons more comfortable and interesting.

Parents can learn more about Math through the following video:

To download Math parents can access:

Where to study, there are basic 3rd grade math exercises

When children study in 3rd grade math or any subject, parents need to note that they do not force their children to study too much but they must go there.

In this way, the children can gradually acquire knowledge effectively. Only when children grasp the knowledge of the previous part can they be able to apply and do well the exercises of the following part because mathematics have a very close relationship between the sections.

Teach your child to learn math each part. (Photo: Internet collection)

Do not burn the stage when studying math 3rd

Many parents today often have the habit of wanting to “eat”, so they often teach their children to learn to jump or learn in parallel with knowledge. But this is a very serious mistake. Because mathematics as well as many current subjects, cannot be done in an early one. Therefore, parents should not be impatient for children to study, causing children to overload.

Practice some 3rd grade math exercises regularly

In order for the children to remember their knowledge longer, parents must give their children practicing exercises regularly. Only when the children do the exercises a lot, can they remember the formulas and tables of the Nine Chapters, …

Application of practical problem in grade 3

When teaching children to study in 3rd grade math, a very important method that parents cannot ignore is to apply in reality so that their children feel more close and lively knowledge. If only for children to learn math according to the formula and theory, the children will feel very dry. Parents can take example or give puzzles close to their daily life.

Application of mathematics in practice. (Photo: Internet collection)

Train your baby in 3rd grade mathematical and logical mathematical forms

When children are young, parents can teach their children simple knowledge but the higher they learn, this is no longer suitable. Because abstract knowledge will be increasing, children need abstract thinking to acquire effective knowledge. Parents need to train their children abstract and logical thinking. Parents can ask questions for children to associate and compare.

Determine your baby's level

This is very important because parents need to know how much they are to be able to supplement and train their children with weak knowledge. Parents should revise the 3rd grade math forms to accurately assess the ability and academic level of the baby to give appropriate teaching directions. Avoid the case that your child learns math knowledge beyond his child's ability.

Check regular knowledge

If you want your children to study well in 3rd grade problems, parents should also check their children's knowledge often. From here, parents recognize their children's ability and can evaluate whether the method they apply is suitable for their children.


Above are a few sharing about the 3rd grade math exercises that parents should consult to help children learn more effectively. Hopefully these sharing will help parents no longer struggle to teach children to learn math.

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