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Bí quyết luyện viết tiếng anh cho bé lớp 2 và 3+ chủ đề phổ biến

Bí quyết luyện viết tiếng anh cho bé lớp 2 và 3+ chủ đề phổ biến

English writing skills are very important for young children and should be paid attention and trained by parents from an early age. This requires parents to know the secrets to practicing English writing for 2nd graders and the popular topics for children to practice writing below.

Knowledge of English writing practice for grade 2 children

To practice writing effectively, parents need to cultivate a rich vocabulary and grammar for their children. Let's find out what vocabulary 2nd graders need to write effectively!


Below are some English vocabulary topics about human body parts, time, human status, birthdays and common synonyms and antonyms.

Vocabulary on body parts

  • Head /hed/: head

  • Forehead /'fɒrid/: forehead area

  • Ear /ɪəʳ/: ear

  • Hair /her/: hair l

  • Face /feis/: face

  • Eye /aɪ/: eyes

  • Eyebrows /ˈaɪ.braʊ/: eyebrows

  • Eyelashes /'ailæ∫/: eyelashes

  • Nose /noʊz/: part of the nose

  • Nostril /'nɒstrəl/: nostril

  • Cheek /tʃiːk/: cheekbones

  • Lip /lɪp/: used to refer to the lip area

  • Tooth /tu:θ/: tooth

  • Tongue /tʌŋ/: tongue

  • Chin: chin

  • Mustache /ˈmʌs.tæʃ/: mustache

  • Beard /bɪrd/: part of the beard

  • Neck /nek/: neck part

  • Shoulder /ˈʃoʊl.dɚ/: part of the shoulder

  • Chest /tʃest/: chest part

  • Waist /weɪst/: waist

  • Arm /ɑːrm/: the body of the arm

  • Hip /hɪp/: hip part

Vocabulary about time

Vocabulary indicating time. (Photo: Internet Collection)

Vocabulary of the human condition

  • Excited /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/: excited, interested

  • Great /ɡreɪt/: great

  • Happy /'hæpi/: happy

  • Angry /'æŋgri/: angry

  • Disappointed /dɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd/: disappointed

  • Sad /sæd/: sad

  • Tired /'taɪɘd/: tired

  • Upset / ʌpˈset /: angry or unhappy

  • Worried /'wʌrid/: worried

Vocabulary with synonyms and antonyms

  • Strong >

  • Young >

  • Thick >

  • Warm >

  • Long >

  • High >

  • Rich >

  • Good >

  • Big >

Vocabulary on birthday theme

  • cake /keɪk/: cake

  • ice cream /ˈaɪs ˌkriːm/: ice cream

  • jelly /ˈdʒel.i/: jelly, jam

  • balloon /ˈbæl.ən/: balloon

  • candle /ˈkæn.dəl/: candle

  • bow /baʊ/: bow

  • flower(s) /ˈflaʊə(r)/: flower

  • present /ˈprez.ənt/: gift

  • birthday card /ˈbɜːθdeɪ/ /kɑːd/: birthday card

  • To invite /ɪnˈvaɪt/: invite

  • To give present /ɡɪv ˈprez.ənt/: to give a gift

  • To wish /wɪʃ/: wish


To practice writing English for grade 2 children, parents need to teach children some of the following necessary grammar parts:

Personal pronouns – Possessive adjectives

Personal pronouns

Possessive adjectives

I (I)

My (my)

You (you)

Your (your)

He (he, him)

His (his, his)

She (her, her, her)

Her (her,…)

It (it)

Its (its)

We (us, us)

Our (our,…)

They (them, them)

Their (theirs, theirs)

Sentences containing to be


The preposition in/on/at has two common uses that children should learn as follows:

Prepositions in/on/at indicate time:

  • In: usually precedes a long period of time.

  • On: used for specific time periods.

  • At: Facing short timelines.

The prepositions in/on/at are used to indicate location:

  • In: A fairly general location such as a region, country, city.

  • On: To indicate a specific location, usually on a surface.

  • At: Exact and specific location.

3+ English writing practice topics for 2nd graders

Below are 3 popular topics for parents to practice writing English effectively for their 2nd grade children at home:

Write about a birthday party

Below are 5 common sayings that 2nd graders can use to write about their birthday party:

  1. My birthday is on January 25. I celebrate it every year with my friends and family. (My birthday is on January 25. I celebrate my birthday every year with my family and friends).

  2. We invite my cousins, relatives, and friends home for a party on my birthday. (We invited relatives, aunts, uncles and friends to our house to have a party on my birthday.)

  3. Everybody gathers around me to sing the happy birthday song in the evening as I cut the cake. (Everyone gathered around me to sing happy birthday at dinner and I cut the birthday cake.)

  4. I eagerly waited for the end of the party to unwrap my gifts. (I was excited to wait until the end of the party to open the gifts.)

  5. We play games after snack time. Birthday games are always fun to play. (We usually play games after eating snacks. Birthday games are usually fun.)

Based on the above sentences, parents can guide English writing practice for 2nd grade children, through the following sample lesson:

My birthday is celebrated on 14th May every year. I wait for this day eagerly. I turned seven years old this year. We called my friends and relatives to our house for the party. My parents and my brother decorated the house with balloons.

I was happy when my friends arrived and wished me on my birthday. My relatives brought gifts. I cut a big chocolate cake with my family while everyone sang the birthday song for me. I played with my friends for some time, and then all of us had our food together. It was a lovely day.

Write about class topics

Below are 5 English sentences about the classroom topic that are quite simple and easy to understand for learning and writing practice reference:

  1. I am a student of Class 2. (I am a student of Class 2.)

  2. Our classroom on the third floor (My classroom is on the 3rd floor.)

  3. We can sit 40 students at the same time in the room. (Our class can have 40 students at a time.)

  4. There are four big windows. We can see outside nature with these windows. (Our classroom has 4 classroom doors. We can see the outside scenery through the windows.)

  5. I have air condition too for too much hot weather. (Our class has air conditioning for extremely hot days.)

Based on the above sentences, parents can guide English writing practice for 2nd grade children, through the following sample lesson:

Everyone loves their school and classroom, and I am no exception. There are many reasons why I adore my classroom; one of them is that it is very spacious and big. It has 15 desks, one big almirah for keeping kids' essentials, and two boards – a whiteboard and a blackboard. It also has a projector, which our teacher uses to show us stories and movies. My classroom has two windows facing the playground. I love seeing outside during a free period; it makes me feel relaxed. We also have a craft board where every kid needs to add something from their imagination.

Write about the zoo topic

When practicing English writing for 2nd graders, parents can bring up the topic of the zoo, so the children can talk about their experiences. 5 common English sentences that children can use for this topic are:

  1. I visited the zoo with my family members during the summer vacation (I visited the zoo with my family last summer vacation.)

  2. It was my first time in a zoo, and I learned that a zoo is a place full of different birds, animals, and species. (This was my first time visiting the zoo and I saw that the zoo is home to many different species such as: birds, animals and other species.

  3. We saw animals like elephants, bears, deer, and birds like peacocks, hornbills,… (We saw many animals like elephants, bears, deer, birds like peacocks, hornbills,…)

  4. We now believe that a zoo is a place to protect animals. (We believe that zoos are great places to protect animals.)

  5. We had a great time at the zoo. (We had a great time at the zoo.)

Based on the above sentences, parents can guide English writing practice for 2nd grade children, through the following sample lesson:

A zoo is a place full of unique creatures living in an area away from the forest. Last year, my family planned a visit to the zoo. When we got there, we found different animals and birds living their lives in peaceful surroundings with regular food and proper shelter. We learned about the shelters of the animals and what they eat. We also saw various birds and reptiles swinging and roaming in a specific place. We had a delightful day, and we left the zoo in the evening.

Important notes when practicing English writing for grade 2

When practicing English writing for 2nd grade children, parents need to keep the following in mind for their children:

  • Instruct children how to ask and answer questions: Parents should encourage their children to ask and answer questions. You can ask simple questions like: When is your child's birthday, what is on your child's birthday,… and let your child answer in English.

  • Start learning to write with simple sentences: Guide your child to write simple sentences first, so that they gradually forget. After that, guide your child to practice writing complex sentences such as complex sentences and compound sentences.

  • Guide children to create an outline: Creating an outline is a basic step before writing in English to outline the ideas you need to write and have the most complete writing.

Notes when practicing English writing for 2nd graders. (Photo: Internet Collection)

Above, we have guided parents to practice English writing for 2nd grade children through topics. Children should master vocabulary and grammar before practicing writing to make their writing more complete.

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