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5+ Tuyệt chiêu cho bố mẹ dạy số cho bé 4 tuổi giúp mỗi giờ học toán là một niềm vui với trẻ

5+ Tuyệt chiêu cho bố mẹ dạy số cho bé 4 tuổi giúp mỗi giờ học toán là một niềm vui với trẻ

Teaching numbers to a 4-year-old child seems easy, but not all parents can do it to help them feel interested, have fun learning, and remember for a long time.

Therefore, in the following article, will suggest some interesting tips and methods for teaching 4-year-old children to learn numbers and math that parents should not ignore.

Should 4-year-old children learn numbers?

To be able to answer the question, should we teach numbers to 4-year-old children? Parents need to clearly understand the following issues:

The appropriate age to teach children about numbers

Getting your child acquainted with math and numbers does not necessarily depend on the child's age, but it is better to rely on the child's interests. Because in fact, parents can familiarize their babies with numbers from the age of 1 through simple counting songs.

So, when you notice that your child is starting to be sensitive to numbers like: TLet your child recite the lyrics of the number song, start asking about the number of objects, asking about quantity, counting numbers,… This is the time when parents can let their children get acquainted with arithmetic.

But in reality, it can be said that 4 years old is the “golden” time for parents to start teaching their children to count. But that doesn't mean you should be too rigid in your teaching style. You need to remember that at this age you should not impose learning, and if you teach, you need to have a suitable method so that your child does not get bored.

Because in reality, many parents force their children to study too much from the age of 4 or 5, causing their children to be stressed, leading to many dangerous consequences such as the child being pressured, afraid of math and gradually leading to autism.

The advantages of teaching 4-year-old children to learn to count

By properly teaching early counting to 4-year-old children, it will greatly support the child's brain and thinking development at this stage. Because mathematics is the best subject to train children's thinking. If your child has good memory and thinking ability, it will be easier for him to learn and absorb any subject.

See more: Teach children to count numbers effectively with 10 extremely simple tips that every parent should know

Why should children be taught numbers from 4 years old?

Nowadays, many parents have started teaching their children math, counting and writing numbers from a young age, most typically 4 years old.

According to the opinions of many experts, early education by letting children learn numbers is the right method and brings many benefits to the child's development such as:

  • Support your child's brain development and thinking ability
  • Create a foundation and have a passion for math and numbers
  • Promote children's eagerness to learn
  • Enhance your baby's memory ability
  • Build a foundation in mathematics before entering elementary school
  • Helps children develop many personal development skills such as: creativity, communication, reasoning skills,…

In particular, for children from 3 to 5 years old, it is considered the period when children have the ability to absorb quickly and remember best. Therefore, parents can absolutely teach their children from now on to help them develop more comprehensively.

Help your baby develop brain thinking when learning math early. (Photo:

Mistakes that parents need to avoid when teaching 4-year-old children to count

With the outstanding benefits that teaching numbers to 4-year-old children brings, many parents continue to teach their children in an “innocent” way, or make many mistakes that make their children learn ineffectively. Typically:

Thinking that your child can't learn math because he's too young

This is probably the mistake many parents make because they think that 4 years old is the “age to eat and play” when their child reaches first grade and still has time to study.

Thinking that children cannot learn math when they are 4 years old is wrong. (Photo:

However, in reality, introducing your child to numbers early does not mean forcing him to learn more math before going to school, but simply helping him get used to learning to count and numbers. Through this, your child will have a more stable foundation when going to school and will no longer be confused or inferior to his or her peers.

There is no innovation or creativity in how to teach children to learn numbers

Because your baby is quite small, getting acquainted with numbers for the first time will cause him many difficulties.

So, if parents simply teach their children dry numbers no association with reality, objects close to the child… It will be easy for your child to feel that this subject is quite boring and difficult to absorb.

Teaching children in the traditional style can easily get boring. (Photo: Internet collection)

Create pressure for children in the learning process

Many parents when they see their children “study first and forget later”, not understanding the lesson, slow comprehension,… will scold or get angry with the child. This will cause stress and invisible pressure on your child's learning process.

According to experts, this is the most serious mistake parents make when teaching their children to learn. Because when your child has a hard time accepting pressure, he or she will be more stressed, learn in a controlled way, and over time he or she will be afraid of math.

Many parents impose learning on their children, causing stress and fear of learning. (Photo: aFamily)

Look up to the teacher

In other cases, because of the worry of “money and food”, many parents do not have time to teach their children math, but send their children to kindergarten or center.

However, experts advise that when teaching children math, especially when starting to get acquainted with numbers, in addition to sending their children to kindergarten, parents should provide additional guidance at home. When your child has questions or has difficulty learning, it will be easier to share and ask parents.

Many parents rely on teachers to teach their children numbers. (Photo: Nhat Hoa)

Great tips to help parents teach numbers to 4-year-old children effectively at home

To avoid making the above mistakes, below are some effective tips for teaching numbers to 4-year-old children that parents can apply to help their children learn math better.

Initially, it is necessary for the baby to become familiar with numbers

The first thing when teaching children to count numbers is to help them recognize the number symbols from 0 – 10.

However, you need to be careful to proceed slowly, not in a hurry because it will overload your child and your child will not learn effectively.

To help your baby get used to and remember the numbers well, parents can let them draw and color with the numbers. This will help attract children to learn more, as well as combine it with introducing each number to your child and asking them to read it out loud to help remember better.

Let your baby become familiar with number symbols. (Photo:

Integrate teaching children to learn numbers in practice

To help your child be interested and remember numbers better, parents should integrate numbers into their child's daily activities such as Let your child count the number of steps, count the toys they have, count the number of family members, etc.

With this method, the numbers will no longer be dry but more intuitive and effective at your child's current age.

Learning combined with playing games

In addition to studying in books, parents should spend a lot of time playing number-learning games with their children so that the child feels excited and likes learning numbers more.

Some games that parents can apply include: Find numbers, play hopscotch, memorize phone numbers, see who has more – less candy….

Let your child learn math combined with games. (Photo: Internet collection)

Learn to count numbers through songs

For 4-year-old children, they quite like singing and dancing because they have rhymes. Parents can completely apply this hobby of their children by letting them learn songs related to numbers such as: Count stars, count fingers,…

Always point and ask your baby about numbers that appear everywhere

To help children remember numbers effectively, parents should count numbers with their children whenever they have the opportunity Go to parks, supermarkets, shopping centers, etc. Parents can point and ask their baby what number it is.

Let your baby get acquainted with numbers anytime, anywhere. (Photo: IMA Vietnam)

Describe numbers as visually as possible

When speaking, singing, telling stories or while teaching your baby, you should express numbers in the most intuitive way using your body language.

Because 4-year-old children will often learn by memorizing more images. Your child's brain will capture what it sees, so expressing numbers as visually as possible will help your child learn to count and remember them longer.

Describe numbers most intuitively for children. (Photo: Youtube)

Create counting books with your child

To create excitement for children in learning numbers, parents can create “handmade” counting books with their children, using simple materials such as paper, pen, paint, glue…

At the same time, let your child be creative on this counting book according to his or her interests so that he or she will appreciate, love and feel more excited when learning numbers through it.

Make a number book according to your child's interests. (Photo: Yeu Tre)

Learn numbers with your children through many interactive activities with Math

In case parents do not have much free time to study and play with their children regularly, let Math support you.

This is known as an online math learning application in English with content compiled closely to the new GDPT program for children from 3 to 11 years old.

The plus point of Math is its modern math teaching method, to help children absorb mathematical knowledge and have more interest in learning. Typically:

  • Apply active teaching methods: Stimulate creativity, children actively ask questions to thoroughly understand the problem presented in Mathematics.
  • Learning through games: Playing while learning is extremely effective, helping children to be interested and learn voluntarily without needing parents to remind them.
  • Learn with supplementary workbooks: Help your child develop fine and gross motor skills through solving real-life problems.

Children learn math with many methods at Math. (photo:

At the same time, after getting acquainted with Math, it will help your child:

  • Develop 5 Mathematical abilities and form logical thinking habits from an early age
  • Develop thinking and intelligence during the golden period of brain development
  • Build a foundation in Mathematics from a young age, creating a good foundation after your child reaches elementary school
  • Synchronous development of thinking and language helps children learn both math and English well

Therefore, when choosing Math, parents can be completely assured that their child will learn math in a methodical and scientific way so that the child can develop in the most comprehensive way.

Some things to note when parents teach numbers to 4-year-old children at home

In addition to applying reasonable teaching methods, during the teaching process, parents need to pay attention to the following issues:

Do not teach your child numbers exceeding 10

Letting your baby get used to and learn numbers regularly will help them remember them better. However, parents should also be careful to only teach their children numbers from 1 to 10. If they exceed this range, it will be too much for a 4-year-old child's thinking ability. Instead of letting your child learn to count a lot, let him learn those 10 numbers for sure. Until he understands and feels like math, you can let him learn more, but don't overdo it.

Children should not be taught too many numbers. (Photo: Internet)

If your child counts wrongly, consider it normal

If you challenge your child to count any number, but if he says it wrong, consider it normal. Instead, you can understand in a positive way that if your child answers incorrectly or exaggerates, he or she is actually learning to count.

If this situation is repeated and lasts for a long time, parents should persistently guide their children so that they can recognize mistakes and fix them.

Don't scold your child if he counts wrongly every time. (Photo: Internet collection)

Help your child understand how to read and count numbers

A 4-year-old child can usually remember and count numbers from 1 to 10 fluently. However, many children still do not really understand the meaning of numbers and only read them by rote. Therefore, when teaching numbers to 4-year-old children, parents should let them know how to read numbers and how to count numbers in order 1, 2, 3,… so that they can differentiate.

Besides letting children count in order from 1 to 10, parents should also teach them how to count backwards, to make sure they understand the meaning of numbers, as well as help them have better thinking and position of children. number.

Consider that teaching children math requires patience

For young children, it can take weeks, months or years for them to learn and understand what numbers are and how to use them in math. Therefore, at this age, when teaching children, parents should maintain a positive attitude, be patient and instruct their children instead of forcing them to study well.

Teaching children to learn numbers will take a lot of time. (Photo: Yeu Tre)

See more: 5+ effective methods of teaching math thinking for 4-year-old children


Above is a summary of information on instructions on how to teach numbers to 4-year-old children. Through this, it can be seen that this is an important age for the baby's development. So parents, please find and apply the right methods to help your children learn best. Don't forget to follow's Math Learning Blog to update more math knowledge & the most effective teaching methods!

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