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5 cách dạy tiếng Anh cho trẻ mầm non và 7 nguyên tắc quan trọng ba mẹ nên biết

5 cách dạy tiếng Anh cho trẻ mầm non và 7 nguyên tắc quan trọng ba mẹ nên biết

Teaching English to preschool children helps exploit language potential during the “golden period” of children's brain development. Are there any ways to teach English to preschool children that parents can apply and what should they pay attention to in teaching children at this stage? The answer will be in the article shared below by

5 most effective ways to teach English to preschool children

Exposing your child to English from an early age, at the preschool stage, will help your child absorb natural language and pronounce correctly right from the start, stimulating brain development as well as creating a solid and open foundation. many opportunities in the future. However, the concentration of young children at preschool age is not high, so when teaching children, parents should choose appropriate teaching methods, ensuring the most excitement for children – the leading factor determining learning effectiveness. .

Some methods of teaching English to preschool children that parents can consider and choose for their children are:

Teaching English to preschool children through flashcards and images

Because children's concentration at this stage is not high, it is difficult for parents to ask their children to sit at the English learning table with dry textbooks filled with only written words. Instead, parents should create excitement and love for learning right from the start for their children by learning through pictures and flashcards.

Learning English through flashcards optimizes learning efficiency for children. (Photo:

Flashcards are a popular English learning tool not only for children but also for adults learning English. Flashcards for learning English for children include two sides, one side is vocabulary and pronunciation, the other side is an image representing the meaning of that vocabulary. This learning method helps children learn English face-to-face, recognize letters and remember vocabulary longer.

There are 2 types of flashcards that parents can let their children study: paper flashcards and electronic flashcards on smartphones and tablets. Parents can also make their own flashcards for their children to study at home.

How to teach English to preschool children through flashcards? Parents can refer to the following steps:

  • Step 1: Choose a set of flashcards of about 5 cards based on your child's favorite topic to start the lesson. Depending on the child's interest and ability to receive, parents can change the number of cards accordingly, as long as the child feels interested in learning.

  • Step 2: Hold up the card with the picture for the child to observe for at least 1 second and read the English word out loud for the child to read along.

  • Step 3: Continue learning the second card according to the steps above.

  • Step 4: Swap the cards so your child can review the vocabulary they have learned. Junior teaches vocabulary to children through flashcards. (Photo: Junior application also applies the Glenn Doman early education method in the form of learning vocabulary through flashcards. Instead of learning English vocabulary by explaining the meaning into Vietnamese, flashcards in Junior define vocabulary with images, videos and standard pronunciation, increasing children's reflexes.

How does the Junior learning program help parents solve their children's worries about learning English? Parents, please watch the video below:

Parents can download and experience 2 versions compatible with Android – iOS for FREE right away.

How to teach English to preschool children through comics and audiobooks

How to teach English to preschool children through comics and audiobooks not only creates excitement for children but also increases their ability to remember vocabulary, guess words, and help them learn many common English sentence structures in life. daily communication.

In addition to English comic books, parents can choose interactive comics integrated into learning software such as Stories for their children. Unlike traditional paper comics, interactive comics allow preschool children to directly touch the characters and objects that appear on each page. Stories' story collection. (Photo:

For example, on a story page with a mother character, when you touch the character, the word “mother/mom” will appear on the story screen with a voice reading with correct pronunciation. With more than 1,000 interactive comics, 4 levels covering 11 familiar topics in life, Stories is a suitable choice for parents who want their children to comprehensively hone the 4 English skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. and reinforce basic vocabulary and grammar.

In addition, teaching English to preschool children through audiobooks is also effective. Unlike interactive comics, audiobooks only have audio files and text displayed by voice on the screen, without accompanying images.

Audiobooks in the Stories app. (Photo: Stories currently has more than 300 audiobooks in many genres: Poetry, life lessons, fables, classic stories added every week, helping children “bathe in listening to English” anytime, anywhere. In particular, with the feature of displaying text according to reading voice, timer feature, listening even when the screen is turned off… it is very convenient for children to study every day.

>> Discover the full benefits Stories brings to your child, achieving the goal of helping your child become good at English before the age of 10 through videos:

Parents can download and experience 2 versions compatible with Android – iOS for FREE right away.

Teaching English to preschool children through songs

When you are in a happy mood, your child's learning efficiency will definitely be much better. Fun English songs are a way to teach English to preschool children that any parent should not miss. Through these songs, children not only learn more common English vocabulary but also pronounce better and more accurately thanks to the melodies in the songs. This is a way of learning through play that brings many positive experiences, helping children learn without being constrained or feeling stressed.

Learn English through songs. (Photo: Internet Collection)

There are many ways to teach English to preschool children through English songs. Below are a few suggestions from for parents to refer to and apply to their children:

  • Step 1: Choose an English song that suits your child's abilities and interests. Parents should prioritize short lessons, with a rhythm that is not too fast, with repetition and the use of common words in everyday life.

  • Step 2: Refer to the lyrics before listening on Lyrics Translate or Genius.

  • Step 3: Listen and sing along to the music. If the song is too long, parents can divide the song into several sections for their children to learn.

  • Step 4: Practice after listening. Parents, please encourage your children to tell, write down the vocabulary they have learned or draw anything that comes to mind when they listen to the song.

In addition to YouTube channels, online music platforms ITunes, Spotify, parents can find many interesting English songs for their children such as Twinkle twinkle little star, Rain go away… on the Stories application. These English songs all have words displayed according to the lyrics and extremely cute illustrations, helping children practice listening easily.

How to teach English to preschool children through cartoons

Cartoons are closely associated with every child's childhood and the stories and characters in the movies are like a miniature world for children. Learning English through cartoons not only helps children accumulate more English vocabulary and practice listening and speaking skills, but also helps them better understand the world around them.

Teaching preschool children to learn English through movies. (Photo:

See more: 11+ best English cartoons for preschool children of all time

Teaching English to children through games

In addition to teaching English to preschool children through music, cartoons, and comics, the method of teaching through English games is also an interesting form of “learning through play” for children. Parents can organize English games for their children or let them play educational games on smartphones and tablets.

English learning game for children. (Photo: Internet Collection)'s English learning applications including Junior, Stories or Math (teaching Math in English) all apply learning methods through games to teach children. Each lesson has many activities corresponding to educational games, exploiting children's psychology to integrate learning knowledge appropriately.

See more: Review of 10 fun, easy-to-play English games for preschool children

7 principles when teaching English to preschool children

Whether or not preschool children learn English effectively depends a lot on how their parents accompany them. When applying English teaching methods to preschool children, parents should pay attention to:

Parents, please create a comfortable atmosphere for your children when studying. (Photo:

  • Do not pressure or test your child: Yelling at or comparing your child with other children will only make your child lose confidence and be afraid of learning. Learning English is a process, parents should not rush to test their children every day. With the right teaching method and your child learning happily, your child's English ability will definitely improve every day.

  • Stop the lesson while your child is still interested: This stimulates your child's excitement for the next lesson, significantly increasing learning efficiency.

  • Play to learn: Children often prefer fun activities rather than sitting still to study, so integrating lessons through fun activities is necessary.

  • Start from teaching vocabulary and simple sentences: Vocabulary is an important English foundation for any language learner, even preschool children. With a solid vocabulary, your child will develop other English skills faster.

  • Be flexible in teaching methods: Depending on your child's interests and awareness, parents should use appropriate teaching methods and can combine many different methods to teach their children.

  • Encourage and encourage your child: When your child feels recognized and cared for, his or her learning will certainly improve a lot. Parents can encourage their children when their children do not achieve good results or encourage them with small gifts when their children successfully complete a lesson. Junior application has coin gifts after each lesson to exchange for stickers that many children love.

  • Pay attention to your child's interests: This helps your child maintain interest throughout the learning process. For example, if your child likes the topic of animals, parents should let them learn vocabulary, English songs or read stories related to this topic first.

Help your child master the entire set of 2,000+ English vocabulary, achieving the goal of being good at English before the age of 10 with Junior and Stories. Register today to receive course discounts of up to 50% and many valuable gift sets.

Hopefully, with the information shared above about ways to teach English to preschool children from, parents will have a few more useful suggestions on teaching methods and accompanying children during this period. Parents want their children to achieve the goal of being good at English before the age of 10? Don't forget to download the Junior and Stories apps now to realize this goal. Parents, don't forget to visit's website to find more ways to accompany your children in learning English, Math, Vietnamese…!

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