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5+ Cách dạy học phát triển năng lực môn toán ở tiểu học cho bé tại nhà

5+ Cách dạy học phát triển năng lực môn toán ở tiểu học cho bé tại nhà

Teaching to develop math capacity in elementary schools is not only applied on school, but even at every parent's family can also apply to help their children learn better.

To do this, you should apply the methods that shared in the following article.

What is the capacity for elementary development?

Teaching to develop math capacity in elementary school is a method towards helping children apply their skills and competencies to be able to apply in life not merely math.

In particular, according to the new education program issued by the Ministry of Education and Training under Circular 32/2018/TT – BGDĐT in 2018 also stated:

The content of the new education program will no longer put a heavy problem with mathematical knowledge and knowledge of mathematics in elementary school students. Instead, mathematical education will aim for the formation and development of students' competencies and math qualities with the core elements:

  • Mathematical ability and mathematical argument
  • Math modeling capacity.
  • Competence to solve math problems
  • Mathematical communication capacity
  • The capacity to use math tools and means
  • Developing key knowledge, skills and creating opportunities for students to experience
  • Apply mathematics to real life
  • Math education has a mathematical link with other subjects, between mathematical ideas with each other and between mathematics and practice.”.

Thereby can be seen, with the new education program with Math in particular and elementary school subjects in general will help children practice more skills.

This will help the children to be able to practice more, forming their own ability to solve problems in life effectively.

Therefore, parents need to understand the trend of developing mathematical capacity for this new elementary school student, so that they can teach children to study at home in combination with their children to be more trained.

The difference between traditional elementary math learning methods and capacity development

Traditional teaching Teaching development
Teaching goals

  • Teaching math focuses on the equipment equipped in textbooks is mainly. Babies absorb one way, passive.
  • Teaching maths does not detail each knowledge and general description.
  • Focus on scores and academic achievements.

  • Focusing on the formation of competencies, qualities and more learning skills and practice for children more.
  • In addition to equipping knowledge, teaching development will also towards the attitude, skills and capacity of the baby based on observation and practice to assess the child's progress.
  • In addition to achieving good results in learning also helps children form the ability to solve problems themselves in practice.

Teaching content

  • Children learn mathematics mainly based on textbook content, less practical, not associated with reality. Pay attention to transmitting knowledge according to the prescribed subject.
  • The content of Math teaching is designed in the form of a straight line, the order of knowledge according to the textbooks shared for students.
  • Children with knowledge but not able to apply in practice much.

  • The content follows the curriculum to develop the capacity of new elementary math. Help your baby practice more, associated with reality, apply calculations in life. The content has open crystal, update new knowledge.
  • Primary math content is designed according to the level and capacity of the children.
  • Students easily grasp knowledge and easily apply them in practice.

Teaching method

  • The process of teaching for children, teachers and teachers are the center. The children acquire passive, limiting their ability to think and create.
  • Teaching math for children is quite traditional such as presentation, illustration, explanation, homework on books …

  • Teachers and parents are the ones who guide and support their children to learn math. And the children are the center and the children themselves will study, search, analyze and think to solve their problems.
  • Focusing on the method of developing calculation capacity for students through experience, practice, self -study ….

Teaching form Mainly teaching in class, home will do homework. Diverse forms from experience, practice, research, extracurricular, activity, game, technology application in teaching … ..

Benefits of teaching to develop math capacity in elementary school for children

After comparing the method of developing mathematical competencies for elementary students has more highlights. In addition, there are some other benefits that when teaching mathematics for children in this new trend brings:

Help your baby develop more skills in the learning process. (Photo: Dong Khoi Newspaper)

  • Help children feel more interested in learning math because they are practiced, experienced more instead of just learning on books.
  • Help children develop more skills and competence in learning to apply in practice, life more effectively.
  • Children are more active and independent in learning math so that they apply to their own problems in life.
  • Teaching teaching capacity to calculate students helps create exciting, interesting and attract children into effective exploration and exploration activities.

Methods to help parents teaching math capacity in elementary school for baby effectively

In addition to the curriculum teaching in the direction of capacity development, but parents who guide children should also aim to teach this way to ensure uniformity.

Here are some methods that parents can apply to help children learn math effectively:

Teaching elementary mathematics is associated with practice

The main objective of teaching development of math capacity in elementary school is to help children apply knowledge in practice.

Therefore, putting lessons into life is an essential factor to help children develop their capacity better. Here, in addition to making children do homework on textbooks, parents should provide practical problems for them to analyze, calculate and solve.

Help your child learn math and apply more in practice. (Photo: Internet collection)

For example, for young children from preschool to 2nd grade, they can guide the baby to count the number of household appliances, or calculate how many objects need to achieve the number of parents required….

As for children from grades 3 to 5, parents can let them calculate the time through seeing the clock, or letting them calculate the money to go to the market, …

Based on such reality mathematical applications will help children remember longer and more interesting when learning math.

Teaching primary math

Stem is known as a curriculum based on the idea of ​​equipping children with mathematical knowledge and skills based on interdisciplinary approaches and applications to solve problems in practice.

Learn maths by STEM method by combining interdisciplinary. (Photo: Thanh Nien Newspaper)

This means that instead of letting children learn to separate subjects, this STEM method will combine them into a practical application learning model.

Here parents in addition to giving children math can combine interdisciplinary such as for children to learn math online on computers to develop more informatics, or learn math with music, combine math and Vietnamese, English ….

Teaching to create elementary math subjects through activities

In order to improve practical application when learning math in the direction of developing capacity, parents should let their children participate in many extracurricular activities such as going to the park, going to the supermarket, amusement park, zoo, fun With friends, ….

This teaching method will create a learning environment to become exciting, fun and create more excitement for the children.

Organize many activities for children to participate in learning and playing. (Photo: good study)

For example, let your baby go to the supermarket, let the baby see the price on each product and tell him how much these items cost …

Instruct children to learn math more about self -study

Self -study is the best way to develop your own and endogenous capabilities. With this new method of teaching mathematics will require a higher initiative.

Promote the self -study and initiative of the baby when learning math. (Photo: VLOS)

Therefore, in the process of teaching for children, parents need to guide their children to self -study, discover, analyze and calculate to solve a problem or problem.

In order to do this, parents need to guide the content, assign specific tasks, and ask questions so that they will have to think, explore and think to achieve the set goals.

This will avoid the absorption of knowledge in the form of memorization, learning parrots very quickly forgot. The self -discovery and self -study will help children master the knowledge that they learn more.

Teaching with reviews to adjust your baby's learning better

In the process of instructing children to learn math at home, parents should also regularly assess their learning ability to know how they know the knowledge?

It is necessary to have fair assessment and reward when children study well. (Photo: good study)

So that it can adjust the teaching method to help children develop better. When evaluating, parents should do it fairly and accurately through asking some questions, situations, puzzles, … for children to solve.

If your baby solves it correctly and achieves the goal of the parents' problem, do not forget to praise, reward or encourage your child to make you motivate me to try harder.

Teach your child to learn maths to develop capacity through interaction and cooperation

Unlike traditional math methods, they will learn passively and learn one way, so they are not interested in studying.

Promote the spirit of cooperation and interaction in learning. (Photo: VTC News)

So, in this new method will require more cooperation and interaction. Instead of letting children learn math alone, parents can accompany them.

To ensure the nature of the child's self -study, the fact that parents' companion is not to help children solve math but raise problems, questions, answers, debate, criticisms about a problem or a problem.

This will help your child feel more brave, more confident and know how he is thinking, expanding his communication skills and politics from a younger than a young age.

In order for the interaction to achieve efficiency, parents need to understand their strengths and weaknesses to give the appropriate debate topic. Avoiding the case of being too rigid will make the debate a argument between parents and children.

See also: Brain out mathematical math questions set with solutions to help children develop brain thinking

Together with children to learn math in the direction of developing capacity effectively with Math

For parents who do not have much time to guide and accompany their children in math hours, can refer to Math.

Participate in many interesting math activities with Math. (Photo:

This is an application of online math teaching under the new education program for preschool and elementary school children trusted by millions of parents today.

The content of teaching on Math also aims to develop capacity and skills for children, helping Math to no longer dry and boring.

Along with that, it also helps children practice English skills, enhance learning math practice and bring more experiences for children through activities and games in each lesson.

Currently, on the Math app provides over 10,000 math activities from games, solving exercises, applications in practice with more than 60 math themes in English.

Based on these activities, it will help your baby capture and experience the adventure of conquering problems in a more interesting way. Thereby helping children to acquire math knowledge and develop thinking in the most vivid and creative way.


Above is a summary of information about teaching trends to develop math capacity in elementary school. Thereby it can be seen that this is a great way to help comprehensively, not only math at the age of children. So, parents should learn to be able to offer teaching methods for their children to achieve the best effect.

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